Comment on A Quick Study

  1. "Must be a Border Patrol thing, she thinks." Oh Decker! You have no idea.

    And clearly not as Shiv soon lays out just how senior Decker actually is now in the particular fish bowl. Well at least she'll get a chance to settle in, get to know the lay of the land before having to ... roll her sleeves up! Ok. So - nope. A real baptism of fire for Decker.

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    1. Yep! She’ll learn a few more Border Dog things as she progresses. Especially under an unconventional group leader like Chandra, a squadron/flotilla commander/deputy group leader like Kaylin, and a ship’s captain like Shiv.

      As you might’ve seen, or will see, Decker has quite a Starfleet legacy to live up to, even though she’s bucking her mother’s wishes for her.

      And there is never a chance to roll up your sleeves in a B_Radley story. Unless it’s to dig into a space battle in the first five minutes of your onboarding. And even as a midshipman who is on probation in her first year, not a full ensign (a little headcanon of my own—only the top one percent of a graduating class of the Academy—those graduating as officers, rather than technicians—immediately get the full Ensign’s rank), she’s finding herself doing things in the Border Dogs that she’d never see that fast on a starship, or even a conventional sccout ship.

      Thanks for the read and the comment!

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