Comment on Slings and Olive Branches

  1. If someone is going to introduce a new captain, a new setting, a new ship and a new crew, they have challenge enough on their hands. If someone is having to do that post creating a truly fantastic crew before, then that challenge is tenfold at least. You Gibraltar had to face such a daunting task, but this one shot introduction to Captain Nandi Trujillo in the post-Praxis explosion Lost Era era, served up a treat that met that challenge and more.

    Captain Nandi, is immediately badass for her stand fastness in the face of a Klingon ready to gut her for the bold and aggravating message she has to bring to him. Accepting that mission and on her own, already speaks to her mettle, however, it is the fact she remains unflappable and keeps things 'diplomatic' only speaks to her even more. Especially, as both she and Brigadier Kut’sHah know fine well his duplicitous involvement in the piracy. The niceties must be observed but Brigadier Kut’sHah is ready to gut her as she begins her accusations. Another telling factor that is telling of Nandi's character is her choice for XO!

    Glal is terrific. The contingency of the explosives alongside the ready and waiting medical team in the transporter room speak to his ingenuity, the lengths he will go to, his ability to think ahead and to contemplate the worst case scenarios. In truth, for all the might start an intergalactic war steps he took, he is savvy and smart to know the lay of the land. How great is it to have the character exploration of the Tellarites a canon species little and explored, seen through Glal? Especially with him as the executive officer and how he will play with those on his own side. He is clearly protective and willing to go to whatever lengths to keep his captain (and likely the crew) safe. Looking ahead, one can be excited to see more of this colourful character.

    Nandi is of course, clever to have such a man be her XO - and it says a lot about her that she does. It speaks to their relationship as well and to her own fortitude as a character. A colourful character as Glal only works against strong characterisations, against characters that will make him not be one note but fully rounded and fleshed. Even here in this brief introduction to the pair, you can see how you might play off the pairing and get all the richer reader rewards for it. It's this dynamic more than anything that has me wanting to read more of Reykjavík!

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    1. Thank you for the high praise on this story! This tale represents me dipping my toe into the water to see if these characters could support their own series. Do my delight, it seems that they could (and have).

      I'm glad you're enjoying their interactions.

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