Comment on A Higher Power When You Look

  1. In an attempt to both re-read a story I enjoy and also not fall too far behind at the same time-- LOL! I did skip the last one, but only because it was pretty brutally harrowing the first time around, IIRC.

    “Oi, Leonard, thanks fer keepin’ us alive las’ year,” Scott said. “It wasnae an easy task.” Pfft. Don't thank him yet, Scotty. I am occasionally awed at how much I love Len from your other Scotty/Len story, but how much I actually grew to actively dislike (putting it mildly) him in this one. (Or like how much of that's just me or how much of it's because of the version of Scot I write, who would want to probably turn him into confetti.)

    LOL! At Kim going 'not Kirk?' Thank everything, no. Still find that bantering adorable. Also love the dynamic between Mira and Scotty; also love that even though they both clearly adore one another, they still don't quite make it for good. That's-- very realistic when you've got a guy who has been through so much as he has, you know?

    (Still wished he could have stayed with her there rather than the awful that does happen, but still.)

    Just absolutely wrenching the shock displayed by everyone, but also our boy, who has Been Through It. Thank everything for Mira, though; her genuine kindness without being overbearing. Her ability to seemingly know how to give him space and when to press her hands to the glass.

    Still some downright fascinating worldbuilding in that last part, and still me without knowing entirely what to say about it. LOL! But aye, the engineer goes to build a ship with his own two hands. <33

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    1. Yes, the chapter before is probably the most harrowing in the story. Which is saying a lot! Lol.

      Len is very much as asshole. But like—not out here intentionally being one. Just the way he is 😆

      I really do love Scotty and Mira. And they definitely totally love each other, and actually fit and are good for each other. But their relationship goals are always a bit misaligned. I can see them having teary conversations about ‘this just doesn’t work’ and breaking up, —and then, to their friends’ annoyance, falling back into bed again six months later. And both of them thinking it’s never *really* done, until he never comes home again. But yes, they can never really make it work, at least not in the time given them and in the way they might both want. It’s him, being a disaster and a wanderer. It’s her, asking normalcy of him he just can’t do and not able to just … be okay with that. It aches but it always felt to me like that was the way they had to go in the end, at least in this universe.

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