Comment on the exchange of goods and services

  1. Ooh. Oh.

    I had such a reaction to this. I mean, I love Seven as a character and more so when she was confronted with the situations like this first half, where she has to contend with something very human - a birthday celebration - a birthday cake and it is a struggle because of course she doesn't have the context or experience for most of them, nevermind a Borg Collective Mind brainwashing concepts of emotions, sentimentality, friendships and connections that are not part of the Hive Mind. So the first half, had me completely. Especially Naomi as the pov to this cultural exchange of the birthday cupcake as it seemed she was one to always work under Seven's skin before the Borg children ever came aboard.

    But then the second half plays out this almost AU Expanded Universe of Fenris Rangers with Seven and a Naomi Wildman as one of their rank. So many Voyager follow ups have Naomi joining Starfleet, it being a better fit for her, honouring her time aboard Voyager and its crew. And yet ... especially in the Picard Universe, maybe that Starfleet isn't what Naomi might have imagined it. Maybe, maybe the Fenris Rangers might be a little more akin to that sort of out there on the edge, living on wits and skills and few resources that actually perfectly aligns with the experience Naomi lived. So it feels like a very likely and natural fit, not to mention her admiration and loyalty to Seven would have Naomi seek her out.

    I also like too, to imagine the Fenris Rangers and Seven's time with them. It seemed a cool and rich concept to exploit but it wasn't really explored much within the confines of the story being told and then it was more about trying to get Seven back into a Starfleet uniform. So thank you for this little mind trip that allowed me to explore the possibility of it being explored further.

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    1. This is such a kind comment, thank you so much for taking the time to leave it!

      I have so many feelings about Seven and Naomi, and their friendship, and how Naomi is so effective at guiding Seven into exploring her humanity where other characters fail, because they’re learning to be people together in a lot of ways. I could just see it, Naomi, so excited that it’s her friend’s birthday, so confused when Seven rebuffs her because the idea of not wanting to celebrate your birthday would be completely foreign to her. Seven, realizing she accidentally hurt Naomi’s feelings, that this is another learning moment and Naomi isn’t going to push it on her but because of that, she wants to share it with her.

      Naomi as a Fenris Ranger was almost canon! The showrunners have said that if they had more episodes in season 3, it would have been. I feel a little robbed of that tbh so I decided to write it, because what a full circle moment for one of Seven’s most important and impactful relationships that would have been. And I can see a young Naomi becoming very jaded on Starfleet and the Federation after they did Seven that dirty, because she knows they’re wrong. It would be such a glass shattering moment for her, that this thing she’s always idolized has hurt someone she loves.

      I’m in the apparent minority who didn’t love the narrative turn of getting Seven back into Starfleet. I loved that she built this really meaningful life for herself, where she was valued for who she was and what she could contribute as who she was. Where she got to do good on her own terms, which was always something that was so important to her.

      Anyway, thank you again for such a kind comment, I’m so glad this resonated with you!

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      1. It really did resonate. Thank you. I think precisely for the reasons you stated and the dynamic of the Seven/Naomi relationship.

        I did not know about Naomi as Fenris Ranger being almost canon. That would have been very cool. I see too, the potential of her becoming jaded with Starfleet, esp in the Picard era of things. And yes, totally with the shitcanning of Seven from Starfleet.

        I always wanted Seven to join Starfleet. I always knew it would be hard and that she would face prejudice and double standards but I was always going to be intrigued by the journey and the struggle. But I have to say, I hated the fact it ended the way it did; but the Fenris Rangers as the alternative path for Seven was delicious and fitting. So I think I agree with you on how it was great for Seven and the 'progression' for her character turning back to Starfleet actually feels somewhat reductive.

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