Comment on A Gift from Betazed

  1. Trekfan you can always be depended on to bring a different angle to a prompt or challenge. As here. And here we see a cultural exchange of the most harrowing kind. Simply put, it is cold. I mean, look it is coming from the Yesterday's Enterprise universe, so we can expect the dark and twisted. But what often can be forgotten is that the dark and twisted comes from seeing how our own hero side can be so efficiently cold brutal killers in the name of expediency. There's reason and purpose for this, a need to get the codes. It isn't as we might think just about cold revenge. But of course, Atas serves that up, in horrifying manner. He gets revenge whilst getting the job done.

    It also though, outside the Yesterday's Enterprise universe, reveals the dark possibility of a Betazed and how terrifying their powers might be. Troi and her mother, kinda lent a wholesome gentle counsellor vibe to the ability but this explores the darker realms of its use.

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    1. Much thanks, MF. This character has his reasons for this (the other challenge/free write prompt goes into it a bit more) and he ultimately has a plan to get back at the Klingons. The Betazoids could absolutely wreck everything if they wanted to -- telepaths are scary when they act without any restrictions.

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      1. I'll be sure to check them out, trekfan. If this is anything to go by, I'll be more than impressed.

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