Comment on Under a Spacious Sky

  1. This is a very effective piece, as I am immediately transported into Chester's quivering mess of emotions, as the physical and emotional symptoms pile up we the reader accumulate them until we want to break free of the noise too, to find a slice of peace and quiet. Chester's escape is a wild, barren zone, only of course the starkness hides a beauty of small glimpses of life. And in this place, under a spacious sky, Chester finds some relief. And it is clear that J'etris too is important to that.

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    1. Thank you! This was actually really fun to write, because most of the stuff I've written with Chester has been either before the Bedivere went down, or long after, when she's climbed out of this and is in command of the Interpreter, sadder but wiser. Actually getting to dig into what this experience was for her was incredibly cathartic for *me* (this is how I dug myself out of my grad school trauma), and I think will lend a depth to how I write her in future. Thank you for commenting!

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