Comment on Will You Go or Will You Tarry

  1. Yeah, you're going to have to make sure you've that trademarked. These last few chapters especially have signed off on big moments. A heck of a thing, given that the chapters, this one included, all had other moments in them that might in a lesser story have been their ending. Not so with a patented B-Radley story chapter ender!
    Again, I appreciate the through threads here from throughout the story. Chandra's difficulties with her threads, the moment in the sickbay in particular and how that may have inadvertently brought about a connection that Siobhan can pull on at this time. Add in the side trip to Earth and the deeper connections Chandra made there with Decker and we see how it all can come to fruition here and now. So the Thread connection, might have been an easy out in the story but the fact it is an earned story beat atop character moments and the fact that the connection is through Siobhan rather than Chandra, making it only a possibility, allowing for doubt and uncertainty, makes this a really clever set up. You really are playing off the story beats to date and paying the dues to all that has come before to service the story.
    Likewise, we see Section 31 playing about with operations and willing to sacrifice the Aerfen and crew to keep their business secret. The fact that sending in the Constitution means they are certain of getting their side of the story presented is very troubling because after all its the name of the class of ship that made Starfleet in this era. If they control one of premier front line ships (or at least formerly so) and have it in their pocket, it speaks to their reach. That reach obviously comes in many forms, as here, it is Style's Chief Yeoman who is supposed to subvert and Styles and bring him round to Section 31 line of thinking.
    How delicious that again you've threaded the story so that Admiral Mary Decker is the mother of the missing ship's brevet captain, so that there's no hope in hell, she'll stand for any run around, any giving up the ghost on the search and if she has to will find her own way to mount a search and rescue (I think there would be a fair number of others willing to help in that regard) but if Section 31 think to make this problem disappear, they are about to be sadly mistaken.
    I also have to laugh at the Protestant Whiskey line and enjoyed seeing Croft and Emma here.

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    1. I really, always appreciate your comments. They are always so insightful and it usually takes a day or two to think about what you’ve written so that I can do justice with my reply.

      The connection that Siobhan received from Decker is going to be ambiguous for them. Luckily they don’t have to explore it more, with other clues possibly coming in, but it may weigh on them a bit, when they have time to actually think about it.

      Section 31 is trying to maintain its control over its destiny, or at least one (or two) factions are. They have control at least of the Captain of the Constitution; she can make the search harder, but it might be a bit iffy who she’ll make it harder for.

      Mary is going to make her way in this, and nobody better stand in her way, if Croft, Emma and the others are successful in finding the Aerfen.

      That Protestant whisky line has been used on me.

      Thanks again for the read and the comment!

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