Comment on For the Journey Before You

  1. “Fair weather and clear skies. I just love when you say it before take-off. Even, maybe especially, when it is less than fair weather and clear skies.” This is so tender. I love it when people are unironically-- Idk. Happy? Kind to one another? Complimentary? I love that Tabatha asks and Meetra answers without trying to couch it with some kind of minimization. It's a beautiful sentiment and deserves to be admired and anticipated.

    I love that the Rhapsody's crew are basically being shown the door with a boot in the ass and a 'please don't come back before I'm retired'. Because of course. Knowing Tabatha's backstory, I can only shake my head and beam about that. Somewhere, McGregor's preening his feathers. As well he should.

    BORA! I see these names I haven't read in years and it's like being visited by old, and much loved, friends.

    “Yes. Maybe we should rrreconsider just how often we use them as a hiding place.” PFFT! When in a dire situation, go with what works and if that means some dents... well...

    God, I adore this already and I'm like-- a quarter of the way through it. Just-- the incredibly relatable way you write people gets me. You can take these people, some extraordinary, some ordinary, and make them come alive. They're so real, across every single thing you make. I'm sitting there reading a conversation in a cockpit about Trill poetry and lovely sentiments and it needs nothing. It's perfect. I feel like I'm sitting with them.

    “He is not a commander.” Chase rolled her eyes and shook her head. “He’s my first mate. And he’s down below.” Tell 'em, Tabatha! Because a First Mate actually is pretty damned different from an executive officer and as a fan of all things nautical, I adore this line.

    Chase smiled with affection for the remark. I love her so damn much, your honour.

    Adore Meetra's success. Adore Tabatha encouraging and congratulating her, too. Re: my earlier remark about having a thing for people just being kind and enthusiastic for one another's triumphs. Just-- fantastic. Meetra trembling. The look back over her performance, but also the honest reassurance of her crewmates here.

    “Absolutely. Instruments are green across the board. Let’s traverse to the J point and then, we’ll take it to warp.” Tabatha turned to face Bora then, concern beneath the calm surface, her eyes wincing with sympathy as she almost pleaded with Bora, “Check in on Hex, Bora. Just to … just to make sure Hex is ok. A walk down memory lane is no harm but I don’t want … I don’t want Hex hurting or lost in the memories.” I LOVE HER SO DAMN MUCH, YOUR HONOUR!!!!

    Whew, that whole explanation. Ajshae sticking a foot in it, Meetra helping, Tabatha's deep and genuine love of the people in her care. I love all that. I worry sometimes I use the word 'love' too much about your stuff, but like-- I mean, if you sat down and read through all the comments I've left on other peoples' stuff over the years, you'd see it's a pretty selective number who get that word. LOL!

    Tabatha's kindness with Hex made me choke up. You can feel her anguish and love. And you can feel Hex's turmoil and pain and love, too. And then that whole talk with Ajshae! Brilliant stuff; the slow reveal of what Ajshae has witnessed. The offer to help. I just-- I'm not sure what all to say, except this all really does feel like a birthday gift, like you took all the more tender things I love and wrought them into words for me.

    Ajshae and Hex coming to dinner arm and arm. And Hex soothing and shushing Tabatha. My god, my heart. God, that's so good. So good.

    The poetry. I write a little myself here or there. God.

    Fair weather and clear skies.

    Amen. Beautiful stuff, and a wonderful gift. Thank you, Kev. <333 It's been such a joy revisiting your awesome creations, but even more, getting to talk to you.

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    1. Steff, honestly ... just honestly ... thank you, thank you, for those words. I just loved the in-time reaction to the chapter and characters and your love for them which just enthuses me all the more about them. You make me love my own characters all the more. Which is not easy because we create them in a bubble and release these words out into the wild in the hope someone will like but not even sure if people will get it they way you intend. So thank you for the wonderful restoration of the soul these words offered. Thank you.

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      1. Which is not easy because we create them in a bubble and release these words out into the wild in the hope someone will like but not even sure if people will get it they way you intend. I know it. But you do it well. Thank you again for the gift and you're welcome. <33

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