Comment on To Stand and Face Another Foe

  1. Another stellar instalment, ratcheting up the stakes of the action. Things are changing up as events unfold and that change up is reflected in the style and tone of the various segments too. Deftly we are guided through the various unfolding events and then left waiting eagerly for more by chapter's end. The expectation of danger and trouble ahead for all, but especially those about to put boots on the ground, is the building and tangible. The fact that you relive the moment of Chandra's skull being cracked open and T'Varilyn's brutal treatment by the Klingons at Vostock only lends to that expectation.
    1) We witness the brutality of the Klingons
    2) We know the long term impact of these events on our characters
    3) We are baited about this by the Klingon in the present
    It is an all too brief window of that tragic moment but it hits hard and reflects the sudden and jarring change that it brought to their lives. We aren't led into it, prepared, it goes from jokey cardio banter to a brutal assault and a brutal pivot on the fates of so many important figures. Way to knife a reader in the heart.
    Meantime, Croft is getting delicious insight into the origin or source of the deuterium carriers used in the attacks, cue transition to the deuterium carriers entering into the battle. Brilliniant piece of baiting the audience but also lining up the dramatic stakes. I mean, one hopes Croft and co. can make of this juicy intel something to stop the bad guys. However, we are left on tenterhooks, we because the team is being reconfigured on the fly by Chandra, who I love for the fact, she puts into the positions those best suited to the situation.

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    1. Thank you! I’m so glad that the style of this chapter is speaking to you.

      Yeah, it was a bit brutal, even writing it about my characters. But so much, as you pointed out, has shaped many of the characters—probably all but Decker, at this point, even though Chandra, Kaylin, and Shiv, are already helping to shape her. It was brutal for Croft and T’Vari in the moment, but affects them all in the long term.

      Methinks Croft and his merry band are going to be getting more help, help that Croft has managed to annoy in some way, shape, or form.

      I think that is one of Chandra’s talents, the ability to form her team quickly and change it if she needs to. It may also be a trait of Border Patrol captains as well, given how small they are in this time period.

      Thanks again for the continued support and thoughtful insight. It means a lot.

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      1. "It may also be a trait of Border Patrol captains"

        I think you are right about this. Or certainly, a trait of the better ones, to be able to work with the personnel they have and the limited numbers. I like that aspect of your world building and the building of the Border Patrol therein.

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        1. That means a lot, coming from you.

          Thank you!

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