Comment on Welcome to Wherever You Are

  1. What a powerful background to a character this is, Mike. It makes for a very strong opening segment to this tale and makes a bold statement about Recruit Kelley from the outset. Her determination lies not just in this moment of standing up to her father but to the months of training and working towards her goal, conditioning her body. That is almost the true act of rebellion against her father, the kernel of standing up to him. Somewhere deep down, she likely knew he would not permit or like the idea of her joining up. Did something in that belief shape or steer her towards the Starfleet Marine Corp? Did the sense of being able to defend yourself factor into the choice? or was it the notion of Semper Fi? Did Kelley deep down want to be part of something she could be loyal to? Certainly, going forward, with her essential banishment from the world and from her family, Kelley now will find cause in being faithful and loyal to the organisation that offered her the escape from the brutal reality of her life. And it does make you think about how for many, the armed services acted as a saviour for them, offering them a way out, a different life, a chance to make of their lives what they will.
    Eager to see where you go with this and to see the Marine Corps fleshed out here through Kelley's story. Other than B_Radley, I've not see them play a major factor in anyone's stories or plans and I was intrigued to the similarities and differences there will be in the training and career paths.
    Just to add, I love the over arching title: Delta, Stars and Anchor. It points obviously to the last scene in this chapter and the desire to wear the badge but it has to be earned. I want to see that journey, almost in terms of having Academic years but I dare say the story is going to go where it goes. Alas, I am left thinking on poor Riley and what will come of her in the absence of Kelley. No doubt there'll be a follow up at some juncture but the harsh reality is that others are often left trapped and behind in circumstances such as these.

    Last Edited Sun 28 Jul 2024 01:38PM UTC

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    1. The County of McCovey Cove

      Aw, thanks, Kev. A lot of your questions will be addressed in the first few chapters of Book One, which I've got 2 chapters written so far.

      And yeah, Riley's going to resurface in the planned story, so you will get an answer to that question.

      Thanks for your thoughtful comments and for reading this short :)

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