Comment on Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

  1. Picture of a white woman with brown curly hair, face turned away.

    Thank you! The basic idea--Sisko in the Celestial Temple meets Kirk in the Nexus--came from a prompt from my recipient (this was written for a ficathon, after all). But it was such a good idea I couldn't believe I'd never seen a fic with that premise before; there was so much that could be done with it! So I had a lot of fun with it. It was a wonderful reason for me to try to figure out how the Prophets actually work; given we only get hints that seem self-contradictory. And I had to use the baseball metaphor; it's Sisko, after all!

    I don't think the Nexus is part of the Celestial Temple, but rather that it's a part of the space-time continuum that feels comfortable to them. Just like humanoids tend to prefer Class-M planets, you know? Somewhere that has the same basic attributes as home, that requires a minimum of changes to make it habitable and comfortable, but which also is exotic and new.

    As for Gillian, no, I don't think Kirk was hoping she'd come to the future with them; the difference between Edith and Gillian is that Edith had to die to protect the timeline, and Gillian didn't. Gillian chose to come to the future, and would have been absolutely fine if she'd stayed in the past. But Edith couldn't stay in the past and live, not without disaster for the whole planet.

    I didn't figure out that Sisko would be the one to destroy/stop the ships until I was actually writing that scene and got a burst of inspiration. But it was such a cool idea when I got it, I loved it.

    I have no idea if Sisko ever met Guinan; that would be cool, and if you want to write it and tie it to this, you're welcome to do so!

    Thank you!

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