Comment on Reboot (Legacy)

  1. And whoops, forgot to reply to this - I think both of them are excellent opposites, in the sense that they approach inscrutability in completely different ways. It does make me wonder what would be a good catalyst for them to put their social facades down and talk earnestly to each other.

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    1. Picture of a white woman with brown curly hair, face turned away.

      What could get them to talk to each other honestly and openly? Huh. Good question.

      I think it would be easier with Picard, because he's a much more open guy. Jack, on the other hand, is a 20th Century Guy who's been in the military, and is thus highly trained and conditioned not to talk honestly about his feelings ever, with anyone, but especially with another guy. I think you'd have to have them working together for a while under stressful circumstances to get Jack to trust Picard, and then some precipitating incident.

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      1. There's certainly no shortage of stressful circumstances in either's canon 🤔 I do enjoy the image of Picard somehow being in Jack's canon, because Picard's definitely got a rambunctious streak a mile wide when he's not busy being the captain of the Enterprise (and even then, honestly - his holoprograms were very... antique).

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        1. Picture of a white woman with brown curly hair, face turned away.

          Yeah, and Picard is the guy who, in his youth, got stabbed in the heart in a bar fight and laughed about it, whereas Jack comes out of black ops.

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          1. Yeah, definitely! I'm sure once Picard is able to get Jack past his initial reservations, they'd probably have a fair amount to talk about. (Perhaps Picard mentioning said bar fight would be one way of going about it?)

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            1. Picture of a white woman with brown curly hair, face turned away.

              I don't know, Picard is a bit of a private person. There'd have to be a really good reason for him to talk about it. And also, it depends on what age he was transported to the Stargate universe. Young!Picard might get along with Jack like a house on fire. Older Picard, with more experience and gravitas and his wild side under a tight rein, would be different. He'd probably get along better with Hammond or Daniel, at least at first.

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