Comment on Star Beagle Adventures Episode 13: Close to the Edge Part II - Total Mass Retain

  1. 21st Century Neanderthal Man

    I'm not really sure. I never followed up on that thread. I spun out a lot of threads and only followed up on a few of them. I think I had an ancient bolian folk legend in mind.

    Earth is really rare, which makes me suspect we're pretty much alone as intelligent life in this galaxy. For a trekverse, something had to lay the groundwork for a number of planets that are not only in the Goldilocks zone, but also close to Earth size, have a molten core to create a magnetosphere, a distribution of satellites to create rotational stability, an axial tilt enough to create seasons but not so dramatic to make un-survivable, mobile tectonic plates, all of that before the Progenitors could go spreading DNA...

    All that to say Stephanie's people might have visited the Milky Way long ago... Thanks!! rbs

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