Comment on State of the Archive - 6/25 - 7/1 + July's Review Hunt

  1. <33 Thank you. I have to admit, I've been feeling a little-- not taken for granted, I didn't build this archive for accolades. But-- idk. Ignored. Pathetic. IDK. But thank you for the encouragement.

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    1. McCoy's face, disbeliving, the words "the hell"

      I want you to know that I have not, will not, take it for granted this momentous thing you have done for us.

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      1. <3333

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    2. You're definitely not pathetic - you did what a lot of folks talk about doing and few do: got an AO3-esque, single-fandom archive up and running. Getting community participation in fandom these days is like trying to pull teeth, especially with works so centralized on one archive and folks thinking of fanworks as "content."

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      1. I've definitely been trying to promote that interactivity, but you're right, it's hard these days. <3 People just kind of-- I don't know. Stay in their own areas and don't reach out too much. I try to read at least one story for every author on the site, and give people some love, but it's definitely changed since I created the original site back in 2009.

        Thank you. <3

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