Comment on Tea and Sympathy

  1. The writing is so smooth and flows so well it took me until nearly the end to realize you never referred to Kirk as "Jim", LOL. I was also getting a nudging feeling as I read that the characterizations didn't quite match up to the AOS movies and when I scrolled back up and saw the TOS tag I did get a feeling of vindication. Very well done!

    I really liked the quiet, comfortable kind of well-regard they both have for in each other in this (though I gather via fandom osmosis that's there in TOS, I just haven't watched it). It's clear they respect each other, and I've gotta admit I'm a sucker for the kind of simple domesticity that's in this fic; they know each other well and it's clearly coming through. Kudos to you for managing to strike that line and also I will readily admit I admire the flow in your writing.

    If it's not clear, I really liked the fic. Thank you for sharing! XD

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    1. Rocket in flight

      Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I do sometimes refer to TOS Kirk as Jim, but it depends on the fic. :)

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