Comment on Cinderella in a Party Dress

  1. McCoy's face, disbeliving, the words "the hell"

    Ahh Len.

    And just a bad situation all around to escape.

    Nice nod to Earth-Centric Thinking, with Len being so unaware of outside of his solar system.

    +cackles+ Oh you'll eventually call it friends, Len.

    Oh Scotty, mister grumpalicious. Though you certainly have reason to not want to be poked and prodded.

    I love the letter idea.

    And Masshole still makes me snicker.

    OH LEN!

    I love how they take care of him.

    And Adorable scene between the doctors and engineer.

    Wonderful gift.

    Medical Mafia.

    Aww Len.

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    1. I remember drawing a bit of a mental parallel between what it's like on Earth now, when the war is far from us and we only see it on the news, versus how it would probably be similar then. Ha! Yes, Scotty is very annoyed by Phil hauling him in quarterly, but that's by design because Phil's a clever guy. (Masshole makes me laugh, too, if only because I could picture every beat of the scene where Corry was explaining it.)

      I also love how they treat Len. It's less than half the crew of the Kirk-era Enterprise, so there's a kind of intimacy no matter what.

      Thank you!

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