Comment on Yours If You Want It

  1. Kidfic! Enemies (sort of) to Lovers! That moment when the chips are down and you've got a pick a side (read: babysitter)!

    There's something so delightful about domesticity and growing as a person, and also a person growing (ie babies). Picturing Ash in my head walking around with a baby Klingon is also a great thing to do, LOL. It's a very amusing, and also soft, image.

    The fic itself has an overall very soft, sedate feel to it which really matches well with the story. The slow relationship buildup between Pike and Ash is top-tier; it's the kind of steady progress that makes my heart go *dokidoki*. So many small moments that all together create something larger, something deeper. All those times Pike and the baby interacted, and when Ash *saw* them interact and he had to stop to reassess reality.

    And of course when Ash and Pike interact, and there's at first a tension because Pike is "kind of a dick" but then things happen! (Off-screen, is that an episode reference?) But the more they interact and as they're willing to accept fault and move on and do better, for each other and the baby, the more the way they see each other changes. Like Ash doesn't get annoyed with Pike's dick-ness anymore, or try to see the worse in Pike to justify why Pike is being an ass in order to not think about the fact that he's lonely. If he makes the dick-ness a "just Pike being Pike thing" then he won't feel as hurt?

    Because Ash did come across, to me, like being lonely at the start of the fic. He felt a bit separate from the crew, and from Pike, and a bit like he and the baby were in their own little worlds. And then the mission happened, and trauma-bonding is a thing, and now his world is growing and he's no longer so cut off.

    It's a by-product of opening himself up to Pike; by choosing to engage with one he's chosen to engage with all, and it's a really cool effect. I'm happy to see him grow and make room for himself on this new ship, even if the circumstances aren't ideal and there are bad factors (of which I'm assuming Leland is one, he just gave off a Vibe) in play.

    The way you've written this fic, or perhaps your writing style, really does make the fic feel like it's meandering along at its own pace, which is a great thing. There's no sense of rush to the romance, and that enhances the "slow and steady" feel of it, and that in turn makes me feel like I'm reading a love story rather then a Romance(TM) if that makes sense? Which I really like, to be clear.

    Like, I don't know how well I'm conveying this, but I'm just a sucker for this kind of slow and steady romance. It might not all happen in a whirlwind, but it's just as powerful!

    Also, a point I really liked about this fic, is the growing *trust* between Pike and Ash. It's not only that they grow to like each other, it's that they learn to trust and respect each other, and their skills and experience and everything that comes with. It's the ability to go from assuming somebody meant the worst possible implication of what they said, and learning that sometimes they just phrase things wrong and you've gotta parse through the junk to get the intended meaning.

    And of course I can't not fawn over Ash and the baby. So cute! So many adorable interactions! Ash's constant worry and care and concern, his attentiveness in trying to give the baby everything it needs because he *knows* he's missing information and he doesn't want that to hurt the baby. It's all so soft and gooey I want to flap my hands and beep.

    There are so many small moments, so many small interacts between Ash and the baby; a touch there, a hug there, a smile there. And it's just... ah, I have no words! Softness! Gentleness!

    My heart has been stolen.

    ...I absolutely, in case it wasn't clear LOL, loved this fic. I'm so pleased I got to read it, and happy you posted it here so I could find it (there are so many fics on AO3 that just *finding* fics are difficult, orz). Have a beautiful day!

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    1. Rocket in flight

      Thank you! I really enjoyed writing this story, so it's good to know you liked it so much.

      and there's at first a tension because Pike is "kind of a dick" but then things happen! (Off-screen, is that an episode reference?)

      It is! The Pike and Ash shuttle bonding is from "Light and Shadows", the 7th episode of series 2. It's probably my favourite episode for them because of how they go from really disliking and distrusting each other at the start to starting to see the other's point of view by the end.

      Because Ash did come across, to me, like being lonely at the start of the fic. He felt a bit separate from the crew, and from Pike, and a bit like he and the baby were in their own little worlds. And then the mission happened, and trauma-bonding is a thing, and now his world is growing and he's no longer so cut off.

      Ash is definitely lonely, and I think having a baby to look after (and protect from people's judgements) would exacerbate that. Pike strikes me as the kind of person who can make people feel less lonely (he seems to do the same thing with Spock) so once he gets past his distrust of Ash he can become a bit of a comforting presence in Ash's life.

      of which I'm assuming Leland is one, he just gave off a Vibe) in play.

      Yeah, Leland's kind of a dick. Nominally on their side, but he's kind of the anti-Pike, shady and very the-ends-justify-the-means.

      Also, a point I really liked about this fic, is the growing *trust* between Pike and Ash. It's not only that they grow to like each other, it's that they learn to trust and respect each other, and their skills and experience and everything that comes with. It's the ability to go from assuming somebody meant the worst possible implication of what they said, and learning that sometimes they just phrase things wrong and you've gotta parse through the junk to get the intended meaning.

      This is something I really like about their relationship, so I'm glad you think I've recreated it here.

      And of course I can't not fawn over Ash and the baby. So cute! So many adorable interactions! Ash's constant worry and care and concern, his attentiveness in trying to give the baby everything it needs because he *knows* he's missing information and he doesn't want that to hurt the baby. It's all so soft and gooey I want to flap my hands and beep.

      The stuff with the baby was a lot of fun to write, so I'm glad you liked it! The idea of Ash keeping the baby instead of giving him up had been in the back of my mind for a while. I feel like Ash would be a good dad if he had the chance, even if he doesn't totally trust himself to be.

      BTW if you haven't seen Discovery, I can recommend it, especially season 2. (I liked season 1 as well, but it's a little more polarising, and it isn't necessary to understand the plot of season 2.)

      Anyway, thank you so much for your comment, it really made me smile. :)

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      1. I'm glad the comment wasn't too much—every time I leave a comment it's a little bit of "did I understand this right?" and "I sure hope all this babbling makes sense to the author" 😅 and evidentially I had a lot of thoughts about your fic! I really enjoyed reading it, and like I'm a sucker for slow relationships development where you can really *feel* the trust and mutual respect and I think you did that really well.

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