Comment on Soldier or Musician

  1. This was a really fun read! I very much enjoyed the gentle torturing of Stamets, he does need that kind of needling every once in a while, doesn't he? And Tilly is such a good match for that! I'm genuinely not sure if she was serious about wanting to actually date both of the or if she was just playing it up for Stamets, LOL. I could see both being true and either case it's awesome. Thank you, Tilly, for existing. *bows*

    I like your characterizations in this, I feel like I could definitely see this happening in canon, LMAO. Both Stamets and Culber's reactions to Tilly are so hilarious, I was smiling all the way through. They're all such doofuses, but it's with such a kindness. It's on purpose! They're trying to cheer Stamets up!

    Poor Stamets, though, needing to be cheered up. But he's got hood support, people who love him and want to help him, and *ahhhh* I loved the ending! So soft, and they love each other so much!! That just constant support and faith is lovely to read.

    Thank you for sharing your gorgeous fic with us!

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    1. Christine wants you to think that through

      When this comment showed up in my inbox I was floored, it's nearly longer than the fic! And yes! Poor Stamets but also he needs it. Hugs all around. I got so put out by all that happened with Stamets/Culber that I haven't really written them since but they ARE such lovable kind doofuses. And 100% thank you Tilly for existing. Thank you for all your kind words!!

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      1. It was a good fic! I enjoyed it, and apparently had a thing or two to say, lol.

        I haven't gotten far into Discovery yet, but I've seen vague references. Culber dies or something, right? And is according to the wiki resurrected? Seems kind of like a hit or miss situation *wince*.

        I think your fic really got the best out of everyone, I really enjoyed your portrayal of the characters. I think the short length might have even made it better; it made it all really quick and snappy in a way that felt like it really worked for the characters.

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