Comment on Soldier or Musician

  1. Christine wants you to think that through

    When this comment showed up in my inbox I was floored, it's nearly longer than the fic! And yes! Poor Stamets but also he needs it. Hugs all around. I got so put out by all that happened with Stamets/Culber that I haven't really written them since but they ARE such lovable kind doofuses. And 100% thank you Tilly for existing. Thank you for all your kind words!!

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    1. It was a good fic! I enjoyed it, and apparently had a thing or two to say, lol.

      I haven't gotten far into Discovery yet, but I've seen vague references. Culber dies or something, right? And is according to the wiki resurrected? Seems kind of like a hit or miss situation *wince*.

      I think your fic really got the best out of everyone, I really enjoyed your portrayal of the characters. I think the short length might have even made it better; it made it all really quick and snappy in a way that felt like it really worked for the characters.

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