Comment on Undiscovered Stars

  1. black and white hand with black fingertips and white background

    I adore crossovers, and so jumped at this when I saw the tags. I admit I don’t know a hole lot about Lando, but his personality seems like such a great counterpart to Jim, and the whole premise was so neat! Star Wars and Star Trek have always (to my slightly limited knowledge) felt so different, and it was fascinating to see that clash explored by this meeting of characters. Lando is so flabbergasted! I’m not sure what he’ll end up doing, but I’m sure he’ll end of on his feet. (And what will the Federation make of his databanks?!)
    Such a cool read!

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    1. Picture of a white woman with brown curly hair, face turned away.

      Star Trek and Star Wars are very different in pretty much all the worldbuilding, so figuring out how to fit them together was a challenge. I think the Federation will have fun going through his databanks, but also, I have no idea how much good it will do them; it's not like they can create wormholes, and how else are they to get to a galaxy far far away?

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