Comment on Star Beagle Adventures Episode 1: The Eye of the Beholder

  1. I cannot read "FCA" without hearing Jeffrey Combs now iconic introductory line as Brunt. Pel clearly is not cut from the same clothes as that overbearing administrator, which is probably a good thing for everyone involved.

    Really cool background on Ferengi culture and their early history. The fact that you've made them a matriarchal society in the past is pretty funny. The fact that they had at least 2 eugenics-related wars is also quite telling. I hadn't thought about other cultures going through them like Earth did, but it makes a lot of sense that this would have led to armed conflict on many worlds once that technology became available.

    And the horror here is very much on brand and in a similar creepy and nightmare-inducing vein as Hunter.

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    1. 21st Century Neanderthal Man

      No collection of iconic Trek actors would be completed with out at least three or four Jeffrey Combs.

      I'm still kind of cooking up the underlying cause of this misadventure and it ties into the old matriarchy, but I'm not quite sure how, yet. In no small way, publishing the dog here is forcing me to keep writing it. I wrote the first few scenes, introducing the characters almost a year ago, then just let it all hang because I couldn't figure out how to bring this opening episode in for a landing. I'm still working on it, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

      Thanks!! rbs

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