Comment on Children of the Desert

  1. I actually did read all of these and I enjoyed the hell out of them, I was just in a bad headspace and couldn't comment at the time. But now that I can: the world-building is first rate (as I've come to expect from you!) and the unexpected was also a delight, in terms of how Nyota and Spock and Sevakis try to navigate and incredibly complicated situation with as much grace as possible. Love the children, especially Jata, who probably would have gotten on well with me when I was a child. This strange polycule is oddly lovable, even as they struggle through bullying and cultural differences. I'd love to see some future piece, how they end up down the road even further, and how fulfilling (or not) their lives are.

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    1. Picture of a white woman with brown curly hair, face turned away.

      Thank you! Worldbuilding is often the most interesting part of the story for me; often (as in this series) the plot and characters exist to showcase the worldbuilding. The first story was written because I was really annoyed by all the sappy Spock/Uhura romances that were written in the wake of the 2009 movie. I am a S/U shipper (which is why I read so many of them) but most of them either ignored the possibility that there might be cultural issues or obstacles, reduced them entirely to the need for Spock to marry a Vulcan and have Vulcan babies, or acknowledged there might be issues but hand-waved them away. And I didn't think that was the way it would go. So I wrote the first story. And then people liked it, so I wrote sequels. I'm glad you enjoyed them!

      I don't have any plans to write anything further in this series (and no plot bunnies for it), but you never know.

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