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Part 1 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 1: The Eye of the Beholder

Chapter 4: SBA Episode 1, Scene 2: General Krank


The U.S.S. Mako picks up a traumatized hero of the klingon people...

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 1: Eye of the Beholder
Scene 2: General Krank


General Krank

Ensign Tara Peterman had almost run back to her quarters, but it felt a bit more like swimming - her pants had gotten a little boggy. For the next several days, as the U.S.S. Mako traveled toward the border with the Klingon Empire, Lt. Cmdr. Senek (to the dismay of the female crew members as rumor of his extreme beauty grew) remained isolated in his quarters, apparently impervious to the growing, largely feminine traffic in the corridor outside. 

Peterman had, herself, deliberately included this corridor in her patrol route. She found herself regularly shooing other crew, including a few young lieutenants, out of the area where they had been lingering, hoping for a glimpse of the elusive vulcan. She had just finished assigning a particularly recalcitrant pair of young, female crewmen to clean out the nastiest bio dump in sick bay and sternly sending them on their way when Senek finally emerged from his quarters.


“We are required on the bridge, Ensign.”

Peterman fell in step behind the gorgeous vulcan and was somewhat disturbed to find herself on the turbolift with him.

“Discipline your mind, Ensign,” Senek said quietly.


“Your… urges are… leaking… from your mind.”

The words “leaking” and “discipline” made things much worse for Peterman as now she had to add images of the gorgeous vulcan decked in tight leather and wielding a horse whip to the dozens of things she was desperately trying to not think about. She panicked momentarily when he touched her forehead with two fingers - until she felt his mind briefly in contact with hers, lending her some of his discipline. Underneath the discipline, she could feel immense sadness and world-weariness.


“Thank you, Sir,” Ensign Peterman said. She took a deep, shuddering breath. Then: “I suppose you have to deal with this a lot, Sir…”

Lt. Cmdr. Senek turned his enormous, soulful, forest green eyes on her - his calm, seemingly emotionless voice managed to convey a depth of feeling that shot all the way through to her soul:


“It’s so annoying…”


Then he stepped off the turbolift onto the bridge. The doors closed before Peterman recovered her composure and by the time she had managed to re-route the lift back to the bridge, the doors opened only to reveal Lt. Cmdr. Senek standing, along with Captain Yui Song, waiting to re-enter the lift. Ensign Peterman accompanied them to Transporter Room 1, where Chief Stephanie Wales was, once again, on duty.


“Energize,” Captain Yui ordered.

With a familiar whine and whirring of lights, an ancient and evidently horribly crippled klingon appeared on the transporter pad. 

“Welcome aboard the U.S.S. Mako, General Krank,” said Captain Yui.

“Do not call me that!” the klingon croaked in a loud, badly damaged voice.

“My apologies, General,” Lt. Commander Senek responded, “But by order of Captain Yui of this vessel, and Captain Howard of the U.S.S. Beagle, and at the request of Chancellor Martok, we are to address and refer to you exclusively by your rank.”

General Krank grunted unhappily and hobbled off the transporter pad, leaning heavily on a large, black cane.

“Please follow me,” said Senek.


Peterman and Wales watched as their captain and the beautiful vulcan led the severely damaged klingon out of the transporter room.


“That’s Krank?” Wales asked. “He was supposed to be some legendary fighter - killed hundreds of jem’hadar with his bare hands during the battle for Selem VI - the only allied war leader who defeated the Dominion in every battle…”

“They captured him,” Peterman responded. “And returned him to the Klingon Empire after they got their revenge - years of systematic torture. They wanted to make him an example… Psychological warfare.”

“I was having a hard time dealing with Lieutenant Commander Gorgeous, but… wow…”

“Do not pity a klingon, Chief. Not good for your health,” said Ensign Peterman.

“Neither is lusting after vulcans…” Wales responded, and was rewarded with a snort and a laugh.


And a new friendship was formed aboard the U.S.S. Mako.

