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A Mother's Joy

Chapter 3: A Restless Night


A Cardassian breaks into Bev and Jack's house and kidnaps baby Wes.


Do not own any of the Next Generation characters.

Chapter Text

Bev woke with a start when she heard her son begin to cry. Quickly sliding a robe on over her body, she padded in the direction of the nursery. She’d left the door ajar so that she could hear him if he woke. Stepping into the room, she went towards the crib and reached in for Wesley.

“What’s the matter honey? Are you hungry?”

The squirming and screaming baby in her arms flailed as she adjusted her nightgown. A red face was screaming their head off more and more now. Crusher sighed and guided him towards her breast. She hoped that he would eat something.

“Wes, you are becoming more and more like your father every day. You have his stubborn streak.”

A smile graced her lips as Wes latched on and began to suckle. He continued to whine a little as he ate.

“What is it baby? I know you’re hungry because you’re eating.”

Bev sat back in the rocking chair, and gently rocked back and forth watching her son nurse and continue to whimper. She stopped mid-rock when she heard one of the ancient doors of the house open and close loudly. Her guard instantly up, she threw a blanket over her and Wesley. Something told her to go and hide in the closet. But the Howard in her was telling her otherwise. Wes continued to whine as she slowly got up from the rocking chair.

“We Howard’s face things head-on. We don’t run from trouble or danger.”

She managed to straighten herself out and adjusted Wesley in her arms. Carefully going to the door, she peered around it. There was a tall man, a Cardassian to be more specific. She’d managed to press a button on one of the comm panels and alert security. Grabbing a phaser from the closet, she pointed it at the Cardassian's back.

“Don’t move. Why are you in my house?”

The Cardassian froze for a split millisecond and then turned around, almost mocking her.

“I know who you are Doctor Beverly Crusher. Formerly Beverly Howard of Aberdeen, Scotland. Your husband is Jack Crusher, 1st officer aboard the U.S.S. Star Gazer. And that child in your arms is your son, Wesley.”

Wesley began to scream, he was frightened. The Cardassian lunged at Beverly and tried to grab for the baby. Bev fought with the tall Cardassian, but he had the advantage. He was taller and stronger than she was.

“I’d die to protect my son. You touch so much as a hair on his head, and I’ll kill you right where you stand.”

The Cardassian laughed and aimed the disruptor at her and swiped Wesley from her arms. Starfleet security came flooding into the house.

“Put the baby down and we won’t fire.”

But the tall Cardassian ran for the door, a screaming Wesley in his arms. Bev tried to keep her composure, but a Cardassian had her son!

“Please don’t take him!”

At this point, she didn’t care if she was barefoot and in her bath robe. She’d do anything to get Wes back. She ran as fast as she could after the Cardassian. The security team and Bev made it down to the rocky wharf. But by the time they got there, a large group of Cardassian’s including the one holding her son had disappeared. She sank down onto the rocky shore of the bay and began to scream.

To Be Continued…