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Part 10 of Arc of the Wolf


Chapter 6: Age 18


Scotty's part takes place after the story Distant Horizons.

Chapter Text

The wet heat was more oppressive than any blanket, and so heavy it felt like he'd never be able to lift his eyelids.

Not that he needed to. His tricorder was blasting his music through his wireless headset, and he'd also rigged it to give him a proximity alarm in case any enemy -- or ally -- came within five meters of him. That left him, half-trampled tall grass, sparse shade and the chance to sweat in peace for awhile, waiting his turn on perimeter detail.

He spent it alone. Not that he didn't like his squadmates, mind. Actually, he really did. Couldna call them friends, but they were a bonnie group, and they liked him, too. The alarm was for their good, too; he'd nearly belted Eissa this morning when he was woken up for his turn to keep watch.

Now, though, all was calm and the music was good, and he might have even taken a nap if his alarm hadn't sounded.

He snapped his eyes open, grabbed his phaser and pulled his headset off, but it was just Ahlgren. The Swede stepped over, eying him in smiling bemusement. "Sorry, Scotty."

"Everything a'right?"

"Red team's on the move." Ahlgren offered a hand down, and pulled him to his feet when he took it. "What were you singing?"

If it weren't for the fact he was already flushed, Scotty would have turned red at the realization he had been singing. "Just... somethin'."

Ahlgren grinned. "You're good. Maybe after we take them out, you'll give us a concert."

Scotty shook his head with a sheepish grin back, picked up his tricorder and set off back for camp.





The bar was filled with a pounding beat, and he wished he could really feel it. He loved dancing, but for some reason, he couldn't really get into it tonight.

The beer was cold, the air was hot, and his squadmates were living it up. They'd won the flag, and it was the first time in two and a half months of Basic that they'd gotten to go party, but all he could really think about was how the night off would have been better spent in Maine. With Mom and Dad. With Rach. With his house and his shore and--

"Come on, Corrigan!" Lisette grabbed his hand and pulled. "None of these knuckle-draggers can dance."

"Lise," he started, but he didn't know what else to say.

Her face softened and she sat next to him. "Homesick again?"

Andy glanced over, smiling a little. "That obvious?"

"On you? Like an open book." She patted his shoulder. "Weekend furloughs start in a month in a half. For now? Come and dance."

Andy looked out over the dance floor, then back at his squadmate, then chuckled. "Maybe just one song."

He ended up tearing up the dance floor for two more sets, but he still went to bed missing home.