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Part 1 of The Raptor-verse

Kiss of the Raptor: Strange New Universes


V'lana Avesti commands a Romulan Warbird that finds its way into the Mass Effect Universe and into a mystery that will cross the lines between time and universes before the story ends and will involve multiple universes and characters. This story is a reposting of my story on AO3 and book one is complete there. This is the first part of a multi-part series belonging to what I've nicknamed the "Raptor-verse". I will also be bringing in my other stories in the series, "Transitions" and "Universes in Collision" here as well. All of these stories can be found on AO3. Fair warning: here are a lot of slow-burning long term plot threads in this story, so be prepared and patient...I'll try to make it worth your while! :)


This story was originally posted on many moons ago and has gone through many changes since I began it in 2013 or so. The complete work can be found on AO3--I'm reposting here so that others might see it if you want. I'm glad to see Ad Astra moving to the AO3 format as I post most of my work there because I prefer the interface and kudos/comment system. For those curious, I'm not writing my Sutherland series any more for a variety of reasons, however you will find some familiar names in the Raptor-verse stories as I have repurposed some of those characters for this series--they're fun characters to write, so I decided to bring them over rather than have them languish in obscurity. As for Liz--while you might hear Admiral Shelby's name mentioned a time or two in the Raptor-verse, she really doesn't have a part to play in the story and I'm taking a more canon approach towards her--in other words, she's not who she was in the Sutherland series. However, I've taken that hedonistic aspect of Liz's as well as a few other character traits of hers (Hungarian background, pleasure seeking, recklessness, determination, etc), and transferred them to an original character that you will see as the story evolves--Captain Zsuzsanna Rosza. Like the old Liz Shelby from the Sutherland series, she's in a class all her own. This story has grown far larger than I had originally anticipated it being several years ago when I first started it. As more content was added to both STO and ME, that gave me more material to work with. I'm enjoying reimagining these favorite characters from the Sutherland and Perseus series and hope you do too. In some cases, the names remain the same, but I've changed their backgrounds somewhat to better fit into the Raptor-verse time frame, in other cases, I've changed their names, but more or less kept their characteristics. Those who have read my older series will recognize them once you've met them. I've also done some tinkering with the Star Trek and ME timeline as far as time passage is concerned. A good example here is Ashley and Rana. Because they crossed not only universe barriers, but also time, I have them spending some years in the STO universe by the time we reach the point where the two universes actually meet and plots converge. I have reasons for doing this that you'll see as the story unfolds, but also, a passage of time really is necessary from a storytelling perspective. As a game, the designers need to maintain a reasonably rapid flow of events. Characters doing miscellaneous stuff for a year or two or longer doesn't work in game terms where you want to stress immediate danger. Extending the timeline allows me to develop plotlines and characters much more deeply--you'll see that especially where Ashley and Rana are concerned. I hope everyone enjoys this monster of a story and please feel free to leave comments.

Chapter 1: Meet the Players

Chapter Text

Project Lazarus

“Heart rate’s still climbing.  Brain activity is off the charts! Stats pushing into the red zone!  It’s not working!”

“Another dose. Now!”

“Heart rate accelerating!” Wilson called back, “Brain functions are...they’re...”

“Out of the way, Wilson!” Miranda Lawson growled as she pushed her assistant aside.  Grabbing a hypodermic, she plunged it into her patient’s chest.

“Heart’s stopped.” Wilson said, “Brain activity fading.”

Grabbing two defibrillator paddles, Miranda attempted to jump start her patient’s heart, but in vain as she saw the flat line going across her screen, soon to be followed by a second and then a third flat line.

“Brain functions have terminated.” Wilson reported somberly, “Shepard is dead.”

“We were so close!” Miranda sobbed as she looked down on the scarred red headed woman who had been earmarked by no less than the Illusive Man himself to be humanity’s last hope.  Regaining control over her emotions, the dark haired scientist announced in a clipped Australian accent, “Prepare the body for autopsy when I get back.  I want to know exactly what killed her.  I have to inform the Illusive Man.  He’ll want to know about this immediately.”

Shaking his head as the head of the Lazarus Project left the room, Wilson thought, Sucks to be you Miranda.  Couldn’t happen to a nicer woman.  Looking down at the now fully deceased Shepard, Wilson’s thoughts this time turned a bit more pensive and even regretful, For what it’s worth, Shepard, I am sorry. To die once is bad enough, but to have to die twice…Thing is, some very powerful people do not want you to fall into Cerberus’ hands and they paid me a lot of money to see to it that you didn’t. Hopefully, this time you’ll be able to rest in peace—you truly have earned it. His mission completed, Wilson made his way to the shuttlebay as unobtrusively as possible.  Entering the shuttle, Wilson ordered the pilot, “Ok, take us out.  We’re done here.”

Once she entered the Quantum Entanglement Chamber, Miranda’s body was scanned.  Immediately afterwards, a holographic image of the Illusive Man, sitting in his chair and smoking a cigarette appeared.  “If you’re speaking to me now, Miranda, then it’s safe to assume that the news is not good.  Does it involve our project?”

“I’m afraid so.” Miranda replied, “Shepard is dead—irreversibly dead.  The readings were normal and then there was a sudden spike followed by death.”

“Have you completed an autopsy?”

“No as yet.  I thought it best to inform you first.”

“Understandable.” The Illusive Man replied as he took a drag from his cigarette, “And I appreciate it.  Once you’ve completed the autopsy, I would like to see the results.”

“Of course.” Miranda acknowledged.

“I’ll let you get to your business then, Ms. Lawson.” After he had terminated the connection, the Illusive Man turned to a man dressed in dark clothing standing next to him.  “Divert resources from Project Lazarus to Project Rebirth immediately and cease recruitment efforts for Moreau, Chakwas, Donnelly, and Daniels as well as the others.  We don’t need them now.”

“And Chambers and Gardiner?”

“Put Chambers in public relations and reduce her security clearance appropriately.” The Illusive Man decided.  “She performed well enough in that role prior to Operation Lazarus and I’m pretty sure she’ll continue to do a good job as one of our public faces.  Also, she hasn’t been exposed to any sensitive information as yet—she was about to be, but I was waiting for confirmation on Moreau and Chakwas before bringing her fully in.  As for Gardiner, Hawthorne, and the other false front crewmembers we’d planned to bring in for Shepard’s benefit—for now, place them on low-level security work.  If any of them—including Chambers—wish to tender their resignations, allow them to go with the standard warning exit debrief.  They don’t know enough about our operations to pose a threat—no need for dire measures against them.”

“What about the SR-2?” Kai Leng inquired.

“Continue with that, but I want a dedicated Cerberus crew—we no longer have to worry about making our new Shepard comfortable.” The Illusive Man responded.

“And Operative Lawson?”

“Operative Lawson is no longer of any use to the organization and too much of a security risk to be allowed to leave. She knows too much and, if she does do an autopsy, might well tumble on to her true identity.  We cannot risk that.” The Illusive Man declared in a businesslike voice, “Terminate both her and Mr. Taylor’s employment with extreme prejudice—along with any of the other scientists attached to Project Lazarus.”


 “Wilson?” Miranda called out as she entered the laboratory containing Shepard’s body only to find just the body there and no assistant.  Activating her comm link, Miranda spoke, “Jacob?  Have you seen Wilson?”

“No.” The voice of the station security chief responded, “I thought he was in the lab.”

“He’s supposed to be here.” Miranda replied, “But he’s gone.  Can you do a search for him?  I want him here ready to answer questions.”

“Will do, Miranda.” Jacob replied as the Australian woman began the grisly work of carrying out the post-mortem of Commander Jane Shepard.  Running a sample of the deceased Commander’s blood, Miranda muttered, “No... Can’t be.  That wasn’t there when the crisis began.  The only way those elements could have entered her blood was when...

“Another dose, Now!”

“That bastard!”   Miranda spat out as she activated her link, “Jacob!  Wilson’s a traitor!”

“He’s gone, Miranda.” Jacob tersely reported, “A shuttle departed with him on it.”

“Damn.” Miranda cursed as she quickly performed a series of mental calculations, “Assume the Illusive Man gave the order immediately after cutting off communication with me.” Miranda whispered under her breath, “He’ll order a full cleansing. It would take fifteen minutes...maybe half an hour for a wet ops team to prepare and embark on a shuttle.  Travel time to here...another hour.”  Quickly grabbing an OSD from her computer, Miranda spoke in an urgent voice to her old friend, “Jacob.  We have to leave here now!”

“What are you talking about, Miranda?”

“Shepard’s dead.  Wilson killed her.”

“Damn.” Jacob gasped, “But why are you wanting to take off?”

“The Illusive Man has probably ordered a clean slate on the project.” Miranda explained as she walked briskly towards the shuttle entrance.  “The cleanup team should be almost here.  It would be better if we weren’t when they arrive.”

“What about the other scientists?” Jacob asked, “We can’t just leave them stuck here to get killed!”

“I’ve just given my authorization to order an immediate evacuation of the station.” Miranda replied as she punched in an authorization code on a computer console.  “I need you to enter in your code to activate it.”

“Consider it done.”  Jacob replied, adding, “I’ve also ordered the mechs to fire on any intruders not showing station ID—so don’t lose your card until after we’ve boarded the shuttle.”

“Right.” Miranda acknowledged as the hall lights turned red and the evacuation alarm sounded.  “I’ll meet you at the shuttle bay.  Hurry.”

“Hurry up, Miranda!” Jacob shouted as the dark haired scientist rushed towards the open shuttle doors.  As soon as she had entered, Jacob banged twice on the Kodiak’s side, “Close that damn door and get us outta here!” He bellowed.  As the shuttle departed the station, Jacob could make out another Kodiak bearing Cerberus colors approaching.  “Must be the hit team.  Get as much distance as possible between us and them.”

“We’re losing him.” Miranda sighed in relief as the invading Cerberus shuttle resumed its approach towards the station. “Must have decided that we weren’t worth the trouble.”

“Or that the two of us would still be on the station.” Jacob observed.

“Not a bad analysis, Jacob.” Miranda replied with the barest trace of a grin.  Her smile vanishing, she inquired, “How many people did we get off?”

“Not enough.” The former corsair sadly shook his head.  “Not enough shuttles or time to get everyone off. Maybe the mechs will knock that kill team out—force the Illusive Man to send another—buy time for more people to escape.”

“Not likely, Jacob.” Miranda shook her head, “He probably sent in a second team behind this one as backup or to pick up stragglers.  I’m afraid the only ones who made it are the ones who’ve already gone.”

“So...” Jacob asked, “Where do we go from here?”

“Omega.” Miranda decided.  “There we can get new identities.  Lay low until an opportunity presents itself.”

“Opportunity?” Jacob exclaimed, “What sort of opportunity?”

“An opportunity to strike back at the Illusive Man... Deal with the with whoever Wilson’s working for...or if we’re really lucky...” The Australian scientist said with an evil grin, “All of the above.”


A Different Universe...Beta Thoridor System...Earth Date, June 2409

“Decloak! Attack pattern alpha! Fire all weapons!” Subcommander V’lana Avesti ordered as her Valdore-class warbird materialized behind its target, a Hirogen Hunter Frigate. Green beams of light lanced from the warbird as a large superheated ball of plasma travelled unerringly through the gap punched through the hunter’s shields by the energy beams.  Seconds later, a giant explosion filled the viewscreen, but before the crew of the Gallena could celebrate, fire from all sides rained down upon the Romulan warship.

“Evasive action.” V’lana ordered, “Emergency power to shields. Fire at will.  We have to get the attention of those Hirogen.  Give that freighter time to escape.”

“I’d say we got their attention.” Tovan Kev, V’lana’s first officer and old friend, sarcastically replied as he quickly moved to ensure his subcommander’s orders were followed.  “We need more power for the port and starboard shields!” He shouted out to the chief engineer, a Reman girl, still a teenager, manning her console on the bridge.

“I’m giving you all I can.” Veril, the little Reman engineer, responded, then added with a grin, “And maybe a little more!” Punching a button on her console, the teenager smiled as a shockwave emanated out from the Gallena, temporarily knocking out the weapons and engines of the two attacking Hirogen frigates.

“Now!” V’lana ordered as her first officer launched torpedoes and beams at one of the frigates, instantly destroying it.  “Cloak!” The subcommander then ordered as the warbird shimmered into nothingness.  “Course 119 mark 2.” She ordered as her human Starfleet exchange officer moved quickly to follow her instructions.  “Aim for his weak starboard shield.  Closer...closer...NOW!” The warbird decloaked as once again green beams of light and a ball of plasma poured forth, instantly destroying the last of the attacking frigates.

“The freighter has successfully escaped.” Satra, the lithe science and communications officer of the Gallena reported.

“Good.” Tovan sighed in relief.  “Subcommander, I’d suggest we find what we came here for and then get out before their friends arrive.” He gestured with his head towards the viewscreen filled with the debris from the Hirogen frigates.

“Good idea, Big Brother.”  Turning to her science officer, the subcommander ordered, “Satra? Begin scans.”

“Scanning.” The science officer complied, “Anomaly found on the fifth planet.  Only a trace atmosphere. We’ll need environment suits.”

“Helmsman? Set course for the fifth planet—maximum impulse.” The subcommander ordered.  “Satra? You’re in charge of the landing party.  Pick your people and be ready to beam down.”

“Understood, Subcommander.” The Romulan science officer affirmed, “Hivan? Veril? You’re with me.” Turning to the first officer, Satra asked, “I’d like to take Miren and Solona as security if that’s all right with you?”

Watching as the science and engineering officers departed, Tovan joked with his commanding officer and childhood friend, “That woman can out-Vulcan a Vulcan when she wants to.”

“She does have the deadpan delivery down pat, doesn’t she?” V’lana smirked as she fidgeted in her seat to adjust her miniskirt.

“That she does.” Tovan laughed.  “And…she’s as cold as ice.”

“Oh?” V’lana chuckled, “I take it you know from personal experience?”

“Not me.” The Romulan first officer smiled, “Hivan.  He tried to charm her in the galley during third meal.  She knocked his engines out with her first volley.”

“You know what Hivan’s problem is, don’t you?” V’lana asked.

“Other than he’s as ugly as a Nausicaan?” Tovan grinned, “No.”

“He’s the wrong gender.” V’lana replied.  “She’s not interested in any male…not even you, Big Brother.”

“Suits me just fine.” Tovan replied, his face souring for a moment, “I’m not looking right now anyway.”

“You’re thinking about her, aren’t you?” V’lana gently inquired, “Charva.”

“Yes…no…yes.” Tovan confessed, “Was she lying to us about Virinat?  Did she know all along what Hakeev’s plan was?  Did she set us up?  Or was Hakeev and the Tal Shiar using her?  Or both?  V’lana…” The youthful Romulan first officer sighed, “What do you think?”

“Honestly.” The auburn-haired subcommander replied, “I don’t know.  She could have been telling the truth.  She could be a dupe.  It wouldn’t be the first time the Tal Shiar used their own people without their knowing it.  Or…” She said, sounding a cautionary note, “She could have been in on the deception. It also wouldn’t be the first time that a good person was corrupted by the Tal Shiar.”

“I know.” Tovan sighed, “That’s what frightens me.”

“Well…” V’lana declared as Beta Thoridor Five grew larger in the viewscreen, “We’ll find out when we find out. Put us in standard orbit and tell Satra to get to work.  I want to get out of here before the Hirogen make another appearance.”


The landing party of five, all wearing Romulan environmental suits, beamed down to nothing less than stark desolation. Looking up at the pitch-black sky full of stars, Lieutenant Satra, taking out her tricorder, quickly got down to business. “This way!” She directed, pointing to a rocky outcropping.  “I’m picking up faint phased neutrino frequencies emanating from there.”

“Look a little closer at it.” Veril gasped, “It’s not just an outcropping.  There are ruins.  Old ruins, I’d bet, very old.” The young Reman remarked enthusiastically.

 “We’ll see when we get there.” Satra replied in a matter-of-fact tone that barely hid her growing enthusiasm.  “Now, let us not waste any more time.”

Arriving at the outcropping, Satra at once saw that there were indeed ruins of an ancient culture scattered amongst the rocks.  Activating her tricorder, she announced, “Preliminary dating indicates that these ruins are at least fifty million years old.” As her tricorder beeped, the science officer pointed towards a slab lying on the ground, “The neutrino emissions are coming from that slab.”  Approaching the block, Satra remarked, “This slab is not natural. It is constructed of a substance similar to duralinium only several orders of magnitude harder.”

“Could it have been used as part of a ship?” Veril asked as she investigated the area around the slab.

“Possibly.” Satra conceded. “The question is…where did it come from?”

“Maybe this is a clue?” Hivan hollered, waving Satra to a wall. “Look at that!”

“Fascinating.” Satra remarked, “It seems the Elachi were no more than servants to something or someone else.”

“Ships approaching.” Ensign Julieta ‘Liz’ Weller, another Starfleet exchange officer, called out from her position at one of the warbird’s tactical consoles.

“Kev to landing party.  Get what you need and beam up now.  We’ve got company.”

“Understood.” Satra acknowledged. “Five to beam up.”

“Reading seven Hirogen ships including an Apex-class battleship.” Weller reported.

“Landing party is aboard.” Tovan announced to his commanding officer.

“Cloak and get us out of here.” V’lana ordered as the Romulan ship disappeared.

“We have a problem, Subcommander!” Tovan called out as a swirling black vortex appeared near the warbird, with a mysterious ship exiting.  “That ship’s Elachi.”

“So I see.” V’lana remarked as she noticed the mystery ship drawing closer.  “Any indication they spotted us?”

“Negative.” Tovan shook his head as Satra and the other senior bridge officers took their positions.

“Good.” V’lana’s lips turned up into a dangerous smile that her old friend knew only too well.

“You’re not thinking of attacking it—are you?” Tovan exclaimed.

“No.” V’lana shook her head, but her first officer did not have long to relax as she continued, “I intend to go into where it came out.”

“You’re going into the vortex!” Tovan exhaled as he absorbed the news.

“Yes.” V’lana replied with a crooked smile, “It doesn’t appear that they can detect us cloaked—not if we keep our emissions as low as possible while passing near them.  We go through the vortex…see what’s on the other side…and then pop out once we’re done.”

“That’s assuming the vortex is stable and remains fixed in the same location.” Satra interjected.

“Tovan…all we’ve been doing since Virinat is reacting.” V’lana declared as she got out of her chair, pulling down the 23rd century issue miniskirt that she liked to wear. “And I’m sick and tired of it.  It’s time we found out more about our foes and maybe…hopefully…get a lead on who or what took our people and where they are, get our people back, and give whoever’s doing this a lesson in why it is not a good idea to piss off a Romulan.”

“Piss off?” Tovan chuckled, “Sounds like your human grandmother talking.”

“Maybe.” V’lana retorted, momentarily flashing a crooked grin before once again growing pensive, “I never got the opportunity to get to know her.  I remember when I was little and Father was still alive, he called her a ‘force of nature’.”

“Yeah.  Janna’s the same.” Tovan sighed as thoughts of his missing sister rushed through his mind.  “Well, if we’re going to do this…Then let’s do it now.”

“Engines…half impulse.” V’lana ordered as she returned to her chair.  “Reduce all emissions to minimum.  Silent running until we clear that ship and enter the vortex.  Now!”

Subcommander V’lana Avesti’s lips turned up in a sad smile as she saw the anomaly filling her viewscreen.  If this is the end, then it has been a helluva twenty-three years of living.  From living on the streets and in the bars of Nimbus III to starting a new life on Virinat to commanding a warbird…not bad for a former teenage thief, con artist and hooker.  The youthful Romulan thought as her ship drew ever closer to the anomaly’s gaping maw. Taking a deep breath, her thoughts once again drifted back to her last days on Virinat where the most dangerous thing she had to face were the Khellin bugs breaking Arven’s irrigation pipes.

“Thinking of home, V’lana?” Tovan asked, intruding into her reverie.

“You know me too well, Tovan.”  The subcommander remarked as she brushed back a lock of her luxurious long auburn hair, exposing her pointed ear. “You know what they say—live fast...die young.”

“Is that your human part talking again?”

“Hmf...maybe.” V’lana chuckled, “I heard grandmother always did have something sarcastic to say.  Father said that grandfather would complain that he could never get her to shut up, so maybe I’m following in her footsteps.”

“Well, you certainly have a flair for the traditional.” Tovan riposted, nodding his head at the subcommander’s uniform—mesh top with maroon officer’s trim, miniskirt, maroon belt around the waist, and thigh-high boots.

“Yeah...well...what can I say? I got that from my other grandmother.  Father left it to me when he died.  He…” She choked for a moment before continuing, “He told me that he was sure she’d have wanted me to have it.”

“It certainly has a controversial history attached to it.” Tovan noted wryly.

“That it does.” The subcommander chuckled.  “That’s part of the reason why I choose to wear it.  It equally offends them all—Tal Shiar, Vulcan, and Klingon—even a few humans.  Remember the look on that Vulcan Starfleet Admiral T’nae’s face?  Priceless.  She knew the history of that uniform and my other grandmother—her mother was probably around when it happened.  Hell!” V’lana snorted, “She was probably around—bitch.” V’lana’s eyes twinkled mischievously as her warbird passed by the alien ship.

“Much as I’d like to scan that thing…” Tovan muttered only to have his commanding officer interrupt.

“We can’t take the chance.” V’lana shook her head.  “We’d come out of cloak”

“And that would be bad.” Tovan quipped.

“Very bad.” V’lana agreed and then, raising her voice, ordered, “Full Alert.  Maintain emission controls and prepare to enter the anomaly.

“Entering anomaly…” Satra counted down, “In five…four…three…two…one…”


Mass Effect Universe: A freighter bound for the human colony of Freedom’s Progress


“How long until we reach Freedom’s Progress?” Kaidan Alenko asked the captain of the MSV Columbia, the Kowloon-class freighter that the undercover Alliance operative had booked passage on.

“We should be there tomorrow.” Captain Raymond responded, “All we have to do is hit the mass relay in the next system and we’re there.”

“Thanks, Captain.” Kaidan replied, but as he turned to leave, the captain called him back.

“Mr. Alenko?  You seem to be in a big hurry to get there…”

“Yeah.” Kaidan lied, “I have family—a sister—she’s having a baby and I want to be there for the big event.”

Nodding his head in understanding, the captain responded in an encouraging tone, “We’ll try to get you there on time.”

Returning to his cabin, Kaidan first sent off a quick progress report to the man who had sent him on this mission, Councilor David Anderson.  He then took out a picture from his wallet.  The picture was of a redheaded woman with freckles and green eyes.  Turning the picture around, he read the little handwritten note on the back: Kaidan, the day you entered my life was the day I truly began to live.  Love always, Jane.  As he placed the picture back into his pocket, the ship rocked violently, knocking the dark-haired biotic off his feet.  Picking himself up, Kaidan heard an alarm klaxon and the captain’s voice on the loudspeaker.

“The Columbia is under attack by pirates.  Our engines are out, and we are about to be boarded.  Do not attempt to resist.  I have been assured that if we do not resist, the pirates will merely take what they want and go.”

“Sorry, Captain Raymond.” Kaidan growled as he checked his M-3 Predator pistol, “I don’t think that’s how this situation is going to play out.”  Taking a deep breath, Kaidan placed his hand on the door, but before opening it, he heard the voices of two of the Columbia’s crewmen on the other side.

“Captain Raymond says that the pirates want our passenger.  We’re to stand guard and not let him out.  Hopefully, they’ll take him and go.”

“Hurry up and lock the door.  We don’t want him getting out.”

Sorry. Kaiden thought to himself as he charged his barrier. Too late.  Moving quickly, the biotic placed one of the crewmen, brandishing a club, in stasis while simultaneously, being careful not to use too much power, throwing the other crewman down the corridor.  “Sorry.” Kaidan apologized to the man in stasis.  “The field will wear off soon.  If I were you, I’d find some cover.”  Better move. The Alliance officer thought as he made his way down the corridor.  I need to get to a shuttle or escape pod—fast.

Captain Raymond waited as the airlock door opened to reveal a squad of Blue Suns mercenaries.  “I did as you told me to do.” The merchant captain pleaded, “I have the person you want locked in his quarters and under guard.”

“Take us to him.” The Batarian commanding the squad ordered, gesturing with his assault rifle.

“This way.” The captain nervously complied as he led the mercenaries towards their prize.


R.R.W Gallena


As the Gallena entered the anomaly, V’lana felt a faint shudder running down her spine.  She then heard whispers but could not make out what the voices were saying.  Then—darkness until she heard her science officer’s voice.

“We’re clear of the vortex.” Satra reported.  “The anomaly is collapsing.”

“I was afraid of that.” Tovan grumbled.

“Cloak.” V’lana ordered.  “Where are we?”

“Not too far from our previous location.” Satra reported.  “The stars are where they’re supposed to be, but there are…irregularities.”

“Not picking up anything on standard communications frequencies.” Ensign Weller reported. “Broadening search.  Picking up something…a distress call!

This is the MSV Columbia, we are under attack by pirates.  Engines out and we’re about to be boarded.  Send help immediately!”

“While there is a Federation starship called the Columbia…” Satra reported, “The prefix code MSV is not in use by anyone.”

“Not by anyone we know, at least.” Tovan qualified.

“Let’s investigate.” V’lana decided.  “Maximum warp.  Weapons at the ready.”


MSV Columbia


As they approached the passenger’s quarters, the Batarian Blue Suns squad leader, upon seeing the opened door and unconscious crewman in the corridor, growled, “I don’t see him.”  Activating his link, the batarian reported to his superior on board the pirate ship, “The target is loose. What are your orders?”

“The Alliance officer is to be taken alive.  The others are not important.”

“Understood.” The batarian acknowledged as he drew his pistol and pointed it at Captain Raymond’s head.  “You heard.  You’re expendable.”

“No!” Raymond cried as the batarian fired one round, instantly disintegrating the captain’s head in a red haze.

“I want that officer!” The batarian squad leader barked.

Kaidan watched the entire tableau unfold from his place of concealment behind the galley counter.  His anger mounting, the sentinel activated his omnitool as he popped out of hiding, sending out a cryoburst at the batarian while simultaneously renewing the charge to his barrier.  Ducking back under cover, Alenko took a deep breath as a burst of automatic weapons fire passed over his head.

“The damaged ship must be the Columbia.” Tovan commented as the Gallena closed to visual.  “I’d say the other vessel’s the pirate.”

“Shouldn’t we hail them, Subcommander?” One of the Starfleet officers inquired, “Order them to stand down.”

“No.” V’lana shook her head.  “They’ve shown by their actions that they’re pirates, and they’ll be treated accordingly.”

“I should remind you that this is a violation of the Prime Directive.” The Starfleet crewman pointed out.

“And if this were a Starfleet vessel that would matter.” The subcommander responded with just a note of irritation in her voice. “Weapons to full.  Target engines and weapons first.”

“Target locked.” Tavon reported as V’lana leaned forward in her seat.

“Decloak and fire!”

“I want that officer taken and taken alive!” The batarian ship commander ordered his boarding team leader.  “If you cannot accomplish even that task properly, I’ll have you scraping varren droppings for the next year.”  Closing communications, the commander looked out the view window, gasping in astonishment and horror at the site he saw.  A large winged ship painted with a bird of prey suddenly appeared out of nothingness.  He then saw green lights glowing.

Recovering from his shock, the batarian commander began to order, “All weapons…engage. Shields…” But before he could finish his words, green beams lanced from the ship, accompanied by a massive ball of energy.  “Maker of all…’ The commander whispered as the plasma torpedo consumed him, his ship, and his crew.

“What the…!” Kaidan gasped as he felt the Columbia violently rock.

“The ship!” One of the turian Blue Suns called out to his superior, “It’s…gone.  An alien ship attacked it.”

“Kill the target and everyone else.” The batarian squad leader ordered.  “If we go down, we’re taking as many with us as we can.”

Popping up again, Kaidan froze one trooper with his cryoburst, following it up quickly with a throw that shattered the human Blue Sun.

“I want everyone tossing a grenade on my mark!” The batarian ordered, “We’ll see how well he can dodge.”

“No survivors from the pirate vessel.” Tovan reported.

“Scans indicate that there might be fighting taking place on the merchant ship.” Satra indicated.

“Two boarding teams consisting of troopers and medics.” V’lana ordered.  “I’ll command one team and Solona the other.  I want one human on each team as well.  Weller…” The subcommander ordered, nodding her head at the human woman with close cropped blonde hair, “You’re with me.  Lanning…you’re on Solona’s team.”  Turning about at the turbolift door, V’lana instructed, “Big Brother…take care of my ship.”

Kaidan was feeling the pressure.  He’d survived the grenade volley, but it cost him his tech armor and barrier strength.  Now, he was down to his last thermal clip and his fatigue was catching up with him.  Taking the picture out of his pocket, Kaidan gazed one more time on the image of his deceased lover.  “Well, Jane.  Looks like I’ll be joining you and Ash soon.”  As he made ready for his last stand, the Canadian biotic heard a faint buzzing and then five columns of green light appeared behind the Blue Suns.  To the Alliance Officer’s astonishment, those green columns materialized into human—or human-like—figures, one of whom, wearing, of all things, a silver mesh miniskirt and top, trimmed with maroon.  The miniskirt wearing woman pointed at the Blue Suns and then all hell broke out as green beams of light lanced from the pistols and rifles carried by the newcomers who quickly ducked for cover.

The Suns, to their credit, quickly adjusted after half their number went down in the initial onslaught.  Taking advantage of the situation, Kaidan launched yet another cryoburst, freezing a mercenary as he was simultaneously hit by one of the green energy beams.  The resulting explosion surprised everyone—the newcomers, Kaidan, and the Blue Suns.  Taking advantage of the mercenaries’ temporary shock, the newcomers struck as one of them, this one obviously human—although wearing a strange red and black uniform—fired her pistol, hitting each Blue Sun in turn with a yellow beam.

“They’re all stunned, Subcommander.” The human reported.

“Second team?  Status?” The miniskirt wearing woman spoke, raising her wrist.

“Engine room secure.  Moving to secure bridge.  No resistance.” A female voice responded.

Addressing the human, the miniskirt wearing woman, whom Kaidan now realized had pointed ears as well as auburn hair that reminded him so much of Jane, commanded.  “Have these prisoners transported to the brig.  I want them stripped of their armor and weapons and carefully searched.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” The human promptly replied.

“There’s one more behind that counter.” One of the newcomers pointed out to the miniskirt wearing leader.

Addressing Kaidan, the alien woman called out, “If you’re not one of those pirates, you have nothing to worry about.  I am Subcommander V’lana Avesti, commanding the Romulan Republic Warbird Gallena.  We’re here to offer assistance and medical care, if necessary.”

Deciding that he had nothing to lose, Kaidan, holstering his pistol, staggered out from cover.  “My name is Kaidan Alenko.” He stammered as he tried to walk forward, “Staff Commander, Systems Alliance Navy.”  Taking two more steps, the fatigued marine collapsed to the deck.

“Doniela!” V’lana called out as she rushed to the collapsed officer.

“We need to get him to medical.” The Romulan nurse declared as she passed her tricorder over the biotic.  “These readings are like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”

“Beam him straight to medical and inform me once he’s fit enough to answer questions.” The subcommander ordered as Doniela and her new patient beamed off the freighter.

“Solona?  I want all computer records mined and downloaded.   I want to know who and what we’re dealing with here before we go any further.”

“Yes, Subcommander.” The Romulan security specialist responded.

“Any further orders?” Ensign Weller asked.

“Secure the ship and then beam back.  We’ll leave word with whoever owns it when we get the chance.”

“Aye, Subcommander.” The human tactical officer acknowledged.

“Tovan?  Beam me back to the ship.  We have some prisoners to interrogate, a guest in sickbay, and questions that need answering.”



Holstering their weapons as soon as they entered the clinic proper, Miranda and Jacob walked up to the reception counter, making sure that their hands were clearly visible.  “Medigel and other supplies.” Miranda offered as she slowly placed the supplies on the receptionist’s counter, her every movement carefully watched by the human security guard and two LOKI mechs standing behind the receptionist.

“Thank you.” The receptionist responded, her lips now turning up in a slight smile on receiving the donation, “These are desperately needed.”

“Can we see Mordin Solus?” Jacob inquired.

“He’s in the labs.” The receptionist replied, “But don’t bother him unless it’s something important.  He’s been working almost nonstop since the plague began.”

Making their way to the labs, Jacob and Miranda saw a batarian doubled over in a corner violently coughing and a turian slumped in a chair, his head lolling.  “Those poor people.” Jacob remarked, shaking his head as he witnessed the scene before him, “And no one seems to care except him.” The dark-skinned former Cerberus operative nodded his head in the direction of a salarian wearing a white lab coat scurrying to and fro through the lab going from one patient to another, dispensing medical advice and prescriptions and calling for medication where appropriate.

“That must be Dr. Solus.” Miranda concluded as she made her way into the lab, Jacob following close behind.  “Doctor Solus?” The dark haired Australian scientist called out.  Seemingly ignored by the salarian, Miranda raised her voice slightly, “Dr. Solus?”  Still ignored, Miranda approached to nearly arm’s length of the scientist and called out, Dr. Solis? Can I have a word with you?”

“Oh!” The salarian doctor exclaimed, finally recognizing the presence of the two humans standing before him.  “Hurry.  Much to do.  Not enough time.”

“We came to help.” Miranda began only to be cut off by the salarian.

“Are you a medical doctor?”

“I’ve had training.” Miranda replied.


“Miranda Lawson”

“Miranda Lawson…” Miranda could almost hear the wheels turning in the salarian’s head as he spoke, “Miranda Lawson…paper published on rejuvenation of dead tissue…conference report on potential of cybernetic implants.  Fascinating.” Miranda’s eyes widened at Mordin’s apparent knowledge of her career.  “Was employed by Cerberus…high security…participated in action that prevented terrorist attack on Citadel…one of few to actually see the Illusive Man.  Employment recently terminated…high bounty offered for death or capture.  Perfect for job. Welcome aboard.”

“Thank you.” Miranda replied, nonplussed, “What about Jacob?”

“Hmmm…Alliance…became disillusioned with Alliance following Eden Prime and resigned commission…joined Cerberus…played major role with you in foiling terrorist plot…joined you in leaving Cerberus.  Bounty almost as high as yours.  Welcome also, Mr. Taylor.  Will make excellent head of security.”

“How do you know so much about us?” Jacob asked

“Very attentive to scientific community.” Mordin smiled, “Pay attention to rumors.  Also…was in STG.  Still have connections.  You start work immediately. Ms. Lawson?  Need you to analyze compounds.  Mr. Taylor…have vorcha problem in northwest sector.”

“I guess it’s time to go to work.” Jacob grinned as he hefted his shotgun.  “I’ll see you later, Miranda.”


Undisclosed Location: Cerberus Base

The Illusive Man and his bodyguard then entered a room where scientists, hunching over computer consoles worked.  Addressing the head scientist there, The Illusive Man asked, “How is progress going on the Enhanced Defense Intelligence.”

“Work on EDI is coming along nicely, Sir.” The scientist replied, “Its programming has been successfully shackled and we anticipate no problem integrating it with the SR-2’s systems.”

“Good.  Keep me updated as to your progress.”

“Yes, Sir.” The scientist responded as he returned to his work.

As the Illusive Man and Kai Leng made their way back to his office, the employer inquired of his bodyguard, “What news do you bring me regarding Ms. Lawson and Mr. Taylor and Dr. Solus?”

“Lawson and Taylor have both apparently gone to ground on Omega and Dr. Solus is apparently still trapped in his clinic in the quarantine zone.” Kai Leng responded.  “I’ve done as you’ve instructed and hired Zaeed Massani to eliminate Lawson and Taylor and bring us Solus.”

“He’ll fail.” The Illusive Man flatly stated, “As intended.”

“He’s a diversion?” The assassin inquired.

“Of course he is.” The Illusive Man nodded his head as he took another drag from his cigarette. “Massani’s nothing more than a gun for hire.  Anyone of those three are capable of removing him with little to no trouble.”

“While Massani distracts any potential competition, our new acquisition will be ready to take on her real task: the Prothean relay on Fehl Prime.”