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Part 7 of Star Trek: First Duty

Reserved for Those Willing


Stardate 3900: Recently promoted Captain Leo Verde assumes command of Musashi, a state-of-the-art starship in its final stages of construction at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. While awaiting its completion, Leo navigates the challenges of leading a pre-commissioning crew while building trust with officers, some carrying the weight of complicated pasts. Each day tests his ability to balance the demands of Starfleet and family politics, crew dynamics, and the looming responsibility of bringing Musashi into active service. As the pressure mounts, Leo must prove he’s capable of steering his new command through both the unfinished ship and the ghosts of his own past.


Historian's Note: This short takes place around four months after the Starship Reykjavik/First Duty crossover novel, "Conduct Unbecoming."

Chapter Text

NCC-3347/05 (Shuttle Sassen)
Approaching Utopia Planitia Construction Yard Eleven, full impulse power.
October 3, 2322 (Stardate 3900)

As Lieutenant (jg) Kimberly Timm skillfully guided the shuttle from Utopia Planitia’s main facility, Captain Leo Verde cast a sidelong glance at her, knowing she would safely take him to his new command, the starship Musashi. When he arrived at the station, he sought out a shuttle heading in the same direction and encountered Timm, who was in the process of loading equipment and parts for the construction teams working on the final weeks before the project’s completion.

Upon seeing him, she greeted him with a wide smile and addressed him as “Captain.” He wore his typical traveling outfit of a brown civilian jacket, a blue undershirt, and black slacks. The man’s smile as it peeked out from behind a full beard, she recalled vividly from their time on Repulse.

Leo moved across the landing bay’s deck; careful to navigate around the marked sections designated for craft landing. The facility’s busy nature demanded caution and alertness. “Lieutenant Timm. Congratulations on your promotion.”

Timm accepted Leo’s offered hand and shook it. “Thank you, sir. Congratulations to you, too. On the new ship.”

“Well, they were foolish enough to offer…” Leo replied, a mild blush forming upon his cheeks.

She dismissed his modesty with a wave of her hand. “Bullshit. You’re the right person for the job.”

Taken aback by her brash remark, Leo could not help but chuckle. “We’ll find out.”

With a chuck of her thumb, she asked, “Need a lift?”

Once confirmed, a quick liftoff and a full impulse launch from the station’s outer marker pushed Leo into the back of his seat as the gravity systems lagged in response to Timm’s expert maneuvering. As they approached the yard, he could make out the shape of the ship within, with its catamaran-style hull design.

“Yard One-One Control to craft at vector Sierra-Echo-One-Niner,” called a toneless masculine tenor voice from the cockpit speakers. “Your trajectory shows you will enter our outer marker. Confirm identify as Three-three-four-seven-stroke-zero-five.”

Timm replied in the expected pattern, “One-One Control, Three-three-four-seven-stroke-zero-five is confirmed. We will enter vector Sierra-Echo-One-Niner in sixty seconds. Our flight plan is filed for direct approach and landing is on file.”

“Thank you, Sassen. Need your clearance code.”

She tapped in the requested code and transmitted on the channel. “Fulfilling supplement order Mike-one-three-seven. Oh, and am carrying Musashi-One.”

A pregnant pause punctuated Control’s response. “Sorry, Sassen. Say your last again?”

Timm repeated her words about the order fulfillment, then took a beat before adding, “And I’m carrying Musashi-One. Code Six.”

The flat tone replied, this time with more formality. “Uh, Code Six, confirmed. Welcome to Yard One-One, Captain Verde.”

Leo smiled. He leaned forward out of habit before speaking. “Verde, here. Thank you for the warm welcome, Control.”

Sassen, you are now in the pattern. Upon leaving adjust heading for DAL vector Sierra-Echo-Zero-Four. Approach is hands-on, repeat, hands-on.”

She confirmed the Direct Approach and Landing vector by repeating the information back to Control, as every word spoken ended up in the record. Then, she finished with, “Hands-on approach acknowledged, Control. Thank you. Sassen, out.”

“‘Hands-on?’” Leo asked. “I guess the automatics are off?”

“Main bay. Tractor beam is down. System failure,” Timm explained in her typical telegraph style of speaking. She gestured to their cargo in the compartment aft. “Replacement parts are back there.”

“I see,” he said as he glanced back for a moment. “Well, there’s plenty of time before we launch. Do you know who from the PCU has arrived?”

She nodded once. With her right hand, she adjusted the heading for the direct approach vector. “ChEng,” she said, counting off with her fingers. “MARDET CO. Lots of NCOs. Lots of crew. Everyone’s eager.”

Leo considered that information. With the arrival of the new chief engineer and marine detachment commander, things would be looking up for him. As they closed in along Musashi‘s saucer, he asked Timm, “Would it be possible to do a quick orbit so I can get a closer look at my ship?”

With a smirk, Timm said. “You’re the boss.” She keyed open the comms and called, “One-One Control, Sassen. Requesting deviation from approach for inspection pass on Musashi-One’s request.”

A voice different than before replied; full of humor. “Sassen, Control. Deviation approved for inspection pass. Whatever the Captain wants.”

Leo and Timm shared a laugh over comms before she replied. “Control, Sassen. Adjusting for deviated course. Captain sends his respects.”

Control signed off the channel with a simple, “Enjoy the view, Captain. She’s a real beauty. Control, out.”