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Where Do We Go From Here?


Post-“Subspace Rhapsody” conversations.


Banner by me.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction, therefore all characters/settings/music mentioned within belong to their respective creators, not me. I profit exactly zero from having written this. What little plot is original to me, I will take credit for, however.

Chapter 1: Uhura & Chapel


My first foray into Star Trek fanfic in at least twenty years, if not ever, lol! (Unbetaed cause I don’t know anyone in this fandom.) But I can’t leave that episode alone. I absolutely adored it but it leaves some of our characters in sad or interesting predicaments. Not entirely sure where this is going, but there will certainly be another chapter with drunk!Spock, and I have thoughts of addressing some La’an/Kirk stuff also.

Chapter Text

“You need to talk to him.”

Christine spun around to see Nyota’s serious face. “What? Who?”

“‘Who?’” She was incredulous now. “Spock, that’s who.”

Christine sighed. “I don’t think he wants to talk to me.”

“Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s all he’s wanted to do this whole time,” Nyota corrected her. “Look, if you had heard what he sang— just… talk to him.

“He sang? About me?”

Now the look she was getting clearly read “You can’t be this stupid, can you?” “I mean, after your very fun but completely brutal breakup number…”

“That is not what that was!”

“Which is why —” Nyota took Christine by the shoulders and pointed her toward the door. “—you need to talk to him!”

Christine froze, staring at the door.

“Unless I’m wrong and he means as little to you as your song implied?”

“Is that how it came across?” Christine asked despondently, turning to look at her.

Nyota winced. “Kinda? And it’s certainly how he took it.”

Christine couldn’t help the sudden bark of ironic laughter. “God, to think I was the one freaking out that I don’t have a place in his life.”

Realizing this was a bigger conversation, Nyota pulled her to sit on a nearby bench. “Why would you think that?”

Christine rolled her eyes. “Boimler,” she admitted. “He, uh, was so taken aback by Spock joking and laughing. He thought he’d done something… because everything he ever read about Spock— which was a lot, apparently?— never mentioned anything like it.” She sighed. “And it was clear none of it mentioned me or our relationship either.”

Nyota considered what she said carefully. “You know, I think I wasn’t what Mariner expected either. But just think, if you met someone famous from 120 years ago… someone you really looked up to even, read about extensively, that doesn’t mean you know them. Like if I met Hoshi Sato tomorrow, she could have turned out to have a whole relationship I didn’t know about. I read a book once, an old Earth novel called Possession by AS Byatt, and the entire premise was that these scholars found out that the poets they had separately dedicated their lives to studying had this whole affair and no one knew about it.” She paused, looking at her friend carefully. “Let Spock be the one to tell you whether you have a place in his life or not, not some history books that haven’t even been written yet.”

Christine nodded numbly, trying to absorb what Nyota was telling her. “I need to talk to him.”

“Yes!” They stood and Nyota pushed her toward the door again.