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A Mother's Joy

Chapter 5: Found


Jack and Bev find that baby Wes has been brought to Starfleet Medical.


Do not own any of the Next Generation characters.

Chapter Text

Wesley had been found. After almost two months of searching, they’d located him on the heavily guarded planet of Celtris III. The Cardassian military was ruthless. He’d been placed with a top ranking general in the Cardassian military.

Bev’s heartbeat wildly in her chest as her and Jack rushed to Starfleet medical where he had just been transported to. Bev was shaking as her and Jack entered a private room where Wes had been taken to for examination.

She could hear him crying, but a nurse and another doctor were blocking her view of her baby. Pushing through the throng of people, she saw her son lying on a bio-bed screaming at the top of his lungs.

“Mama’s here Wes. Everything’s going to be ok.”

A doctor nodded his head and moved so that she could pick up her son. Bev held Wesley as if she’d never let him go again. Once she composed herself, she looked to the doctor who’d been scanning her son with the medical tricorder.

“How is he?”

The tall doctor with brown eyes and thick black hair looked at her uncomfortably for a moment.

“He was being taken care of by a human woman who was serving as a domestic servant in Gul Dukon’s household. She’d given him all the milk she could. She said she nursed him in between her chores and other duties. She said she didn’t want her breast milk to go to waste.

Only having lost her own daughter during birth two months ago. She’s resting in the next room. But I would advise leaving her be for now. Gul Dukon is a cruel man, and from her injuries, looks like he’s given her a beating quite recently. Your son is doing surprisingly well, despite being held captive for two months. It’ll take some time for him to adjust to being back with you again. Do you still intend to breastfeed him?”

Bev nodded her head and looked down at her son, he was beginning to whine, and she knew he’d want to eat soon.

“My question is, do you think he’ll take any breast milk from me? He’s been taken care of by someone else for the last two months. I’m his mother and he doesn’t recognize me…”

She felt hurt that her own son didn’t know who she was. It would take time. Jack placed a hand on her cheek and caressed it a moment.

“Don’t worry honey, once he’s back home and around some familiar things, he’ll come around.”

Bev began to weep; she was very happy to have her son back. Jack looked the doctor square in the eye.

“Can we take him home?”

The doctor shook his head at Jack.

“We still have one more test to perform on him. Just a simple blood test. We want to make absolutely sure that he’s in perfect health.”

Bev held onto Wesley as a nurse took a blood sample from the heel of his foot. He let out a scream and then a cry. His mother held him closer and rocked him.

“Hey, it’s alright. All done now. See? Mama’s got you now. She won’t let anyone take you away again. Never, never.”

Bev was fiercely protective of her son, more so now since the Cardassian’s had kidnapped him. His cries grew louder as he grabbed at his mother’s shirt. The wait for the blood test results seemed to be taking forever. Jack rubbed a finger along Wes’ tiny knuckles.

He grew angrier by the minute. Bev knew exactly what her son wanted, and she would give it to him, without hesitation. She motioned for her husband to get her a blanket from the nearby bio bed.

“Jack, can you hand me the blanket over there?”

Jack did as his wife asked and got the blanket for her and their son. Draping the blanket over herself, she peeked under it and guided him towards her breast so that he could get his meal. Wes fidgeted for a moment and then latched onto his mother and began suckling. His face scrunched up and he became angry. Bev tried once again to get her son to eat, but he grew angrier.

“Come on, you have to eat something. I know you’re hungry. Please eat something.”

Wesley continued to scream and cry, his face becoming redder by the minute. He wouldn’t eat. Doctor Sanders, the doctor who’d been tending to Wesley when they first came into Starfleet Medical approached both parents with a serious but confident look on his face.

“No anomalous readings came back on his blood work. I don’t have anything else for the two of you. I’d try bottle feeding him until he gets used to being with you again. It will take some time. But once he’s gained his confidence back, he’ll have no problem getting his meal from you.”

Bev nodded and scooped her screaming son into his arms. This would take a while. But at least he was safe. That was all that mattered.

To Be Continued…