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Part 8 of Starship Reykjavik

The Event of the Season

Chapter 15: Epilogue

Chapter Text

The Blue Orchid Restaurant
Star Station Kymburn
Kurata Sector

The restaurant was excellent, and the company was even better.

Reykjavík, Yorktown and Gol had wandered farther afield and docked at this frontier outpost to complete repairs, as Starbase 443’s shipyards were presently overwhelmed with the more critically damaged vessels from the Battle of Longlax-Teko.

Now Trujillo, Demora Sulu, and Glal sat together, eating and talking against the mesmerizing backdrop of the Kurata Nebula through the restaurant’s expansive viewports.

“Garrett still hasn’t given me an answer,” Sulu noted dryly.

“She’s weighing her options,” Trujillo replied. “Given our new mission profile, she’s seriously considering staying put.”

“I’m just not used to someone having to think about an offered posting to Yorktown,” Sulu admitted before giving Trujillo a sly glance. “And just what is your new mission profile, Commodore?”

“I’m honestly not being glib when I say this, but it’s classified,” Trujillo answered with a regretful look. “Though given what we’ve just experienced you wouldn’t be hard pressed to figure out what it’s related to.”

Sulu nodded knowingly as she ate another forkful of her salad.

“Our next official assignment, however, will take us coreward towards the Deneva sector. There’s been an uptick in organized piracy in the region, the Orion Syndicate flexing its muscles again.”

Trujillo shot a pointed look at Glal. “It goes without saying that we could use some help. Do you know anyone with a highly maneuverable perimeter-action ship that might give Orion blockade runners an ulcer?”

Glal smiled thinly behind his beard. “I know a guy.”

Trujillo raised an eyebrow appraisingly. “Is that guy going to remain in active service, in command of said vessel? Inquiring minds, and the Starfleet Bureau of Personnel, would like to know sooner than later.”

A long sigh escaped Glal, and he sat back in his chair, swirling the Yridian brandy in his glass. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but yes.” He shook his head. “Most of my cobbled together crew, even the ones I Syracused off the starbase, are actually willing to stay aboard, so long as BUPERS signs off on it.”

Trujillo nearly spit out a mouthful of water, coughing. “It’s Shanghaied, Commander. Not ‘Syracused’.”

“Whatever, sir,” he replied, waving his free hand dismissively. “And my damned fool first officer is insisting on remaining onboard as well, foregoing that open spot at the Advanced Tactical School.”

Sulu smiled. “It appears his new commanding officer generates a healthy amount of loyalty.”

“I’m really glad to hear that,” Trujillo said. “The part about you remaining in command of Gol, that is. The bit about Gael passing on ATS, not so much.”

“The school isn’t going anywhere,” Glal noted.

Sulu nodded supportively. “True, and a stint as XO on a ship that’s seen a lot of action certainly isn’t going to hurt his chances of getting back in after a deferral.”

“Fine,” Trujillo relented, “but you damned well better keep him out of trouble.”

Glal snorted, his expression incredulous. “I’m not the one who sent him into an occupied star system aboard a single gunship to kick over the gliesha’s nest.”

“Fair point,” Sulu affirmed, shrugging apologetically towards Trujillo.

Trujillo nodded reluctantly. “Touché, Commander.” She looked to Sulu. “And you, you be careful out there in the great unknown, Demora. You will be sorely missed.”

Sulu smiled. “Thank you, and I’ll miss all the gang, too. I just couldn’t sit out on a chance to push back the curtain and go exploring like Dad.”

Trujillo paused to drink in the moment, studying her friends. "I know I'm not known for effusive displays of emotion, but I want you both to understand how dear you are to me. These last few missions have reinforced for me how precious, and how fragile each life is."

She raised her glass in a toast. “To our ships, our crews and the stars, may they always occupy the heavens.”

“Here, here,” the others chorused agreeably.

They drank to that.


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