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Part 5 of Star Trek: First Duty

At Her Majesty's Discretion

Chapter 5: Her Majesty & The Commander

Chapter Text

The Royal Naval Academy
The Royal City of the Great Nore, The Sovereign Realm of Greenwood
Exmouth Auditorium
July 30, 2318 (Stardate 62.94)


"It is undeniable that Queen Victoria stands as a beacon of wisdom, and selflessness in the annals of our shared history. Her pivotal role during the Earth-Valdori conflict contributed significantly to United Earth's reputation and resolve that led to the eventual formation of the United Federation of Planets. And later, the colonists of the fledgling Greenwood settlement could not have asked for a better leader to navigate the challenges of those tumultuous times. Queen Victoria's unwavering dedication to her people and her steadfast commitment to the ideals of peace and unity serve as an enduring inspiration for us all. I feel that if she were alive today, she would be touched to witness this joyful reunion of her ancestral family and her descendents… coming together as friends and allies. With her legacy in mind, and her spirit living within the hearts of her subjects, I stand here today before the next generation of Royal Naval officers with the fervent hope that we will continue to uphold her fine example in the centuries to come, as cousins born to the same shared tradition, united in those tenants of service, duty, honor, and loyalty to our respective nations. Thank you."

Leo smiled with appreciation at the thunderous applause he received as he concluded his lecture to the assembled corps of midshipmen. "Thank you," he repeated into the audio pickup field atop the lecturn on the stage. He smiled at the Academy’s Superintendent, a vice-admiral in the green division. They joined hands and swapped positions, so the admiral could claim the lectern.

As he moved down the line of the other academy dignitaries - the provost, the commandant of midshipmen, department heads, and other senior instructors - the Superintendent called out to the assemblage and reminded them, "Commander Verde will continue with his lecture series next month, the topic will cover Earth's history from the end of the Valdori conflict to the signing of the Articles of the Federation. Seating for the next lecture will limited. Signups shall begin tomorrow morning on the central hub. Thank you for attending. Dismissed."

"Good show, sir," said the final instructor in the line. Leo thanked him and continued to exit the stage on the far side where his assigned naval liaison, Lieutenant Maria Egelston, awaited him.

Two hundred kilometers away, near the River Isis, the Queen sat within her private study, this time at her official residence: Westminster Palace in the Realm's capital city of Victoria. She stared at the viewscreen, unable to move after hearing Commander Verde's lecture a little more than halfway through. The subject close to her heart captivated her, along with the man’s voice and charm.

"Who is he?" she muttered to herself. Something about him piqued more than her curiosity. She watched him accepting the congratulations of the academy's leadership team; his gratified expression touched her as genuine.

Sir Robert's voice cut through her thoughts. "Majesty?"

Queen Amelia did not look over, unable to tear her eyes away as the screen continued to show him moving through the line in his smart-looking maroon uniform. "Yes, Robert?" she said with a distracted tone. "What is it?"

He bowed slightly. "You wished for me to remind you when it was time for luncheon. Would you like to take it in here or in the dining room?"

"In here, please," she replied, still distracted. When the feed completed and the screen blinked to the show the coat of arms of the Royal Naval Academy, she scrubbed the video back to the start of the lecture, when the superintendent introduced him. She let the recording play and heard the voice of Vice-Admiral Dame Laura Lochen speaking.

"-has served as a commissioned officer in Starfleet for over twelve years, six of them with the Border Service patrolling the Romulan and Cardassian borders. He is a graduate of Starfleet Academy in Pre-Law. He subsequently attended Starfleet Law, where he earned his Juris Doctorate and his Master of Legal Letters, with a focus in Starfleet Justice and Administrative Law. Presently, he is seconded with the visiting Starfleet Task Force Seventeen as their Judge Advocate, but his permanent billet is the executive officer of the Sector JAG Office at Starbase Eight, in orbit of Memory Alpha. He is here today at my personal invitation to be our Honoured Guest Lecturer. This is the first of a series of six planned lectures beginning now during the Summer Term and through the end of Michaelmas. Please give welcome to Commander Leo Verde." She cast her open hand to stage right as she spoke that last.

So deafening was the applause within Exmouth Auditorium that the audio adjusted as Commander Verde walked onto the stage to approach the lecturn to take Dame Laura's offered hand while wearing a wide grin. The Queen noticed his cheeks flushed under the attention; she wondered why. He did not seem to mind when she arrived partway through the stream.

He waited until the applause died down enough to where he could speak. "Thank you, all, for that warm welcome. And thank you, Dame Laura, for that gracious introduction."

The Queen felt the commander’s voice deeply. Despite not understanding the reason, listening brought her comfort. The tension of her day floated away, leaving her feeling relieved. With closed eyes, she waited for him to speak once more.

He did so, continuing his opening remarks, "It's truly an honor to be here today among such esteemed company and eager minds. Now, I must confess, when I was first asked to deliver this lecture, I couldn't help but wonder if they'd picked the wrong man for the job. After all, I'm just a humble lawyer from Starbase Eight, not exactly known for my expertise in historical matters. But then I remembered something my dear Auntie Neema told me: 'Darling, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with charm.' And the reason I remember those words so clearly, is because she told me right before she sent me here. She's my CO, sitting on her flagship, probably laughing maniacally as she's watching this. Hello, Auntie!"

When he waved toward the cameras and offered a dramatic grimace, the icebreaker worked to perfection. The audience chuckled. He added, extemporizing, "The legacies in this building are all wearing those knowing smiles. I see you." He lifted a hand, and with an open-palmed gestured, swept the auditorium to acknowledge them. That brought some cheers. "I'm a legacy, as well. My family joins all of yours in embracing service to our respective countries."

That brought another round of applause, which he joined in to celebrate their mutual dedication.

He proceeded; smoothly transitioning back into the topic that she did not notice, he returned to his written remarks. "So, here I am, ready to dazzle, baffle, and hopefully entertain you all with a little tale of history, heroism, and perhaps a dash of humor along the way."

Commander Verde shot a quick grin toward the audience and the camera's position caught his eyes as though he could see her. Queen Amelia stared back, mesmerized. When he broke eye contact to look over the audience, she blinked, curious about her behavior.

"The Federation has much in common with our cousins here on this verdant world, and in the spirit of that declaration, I'd like to devote this first discussion to a woman of singular courage who not only impacted the history of my homeworld and the United Federation of Planets, but also brought her vision and leadership to found and guide the thriving society known as the Sovereign Realm of Greenwood. I, of course, am speaking of retired Starfleet Rear Admiral Victoria Fitzwilliam, your first Queen."

The Queen almost didn’t notice her food tray settled on the side of her desk until she opened her eyes at that moment. As she enjoyed the finger sandwiches alone, she watched, listened, laughed, and reacted to the lecture until Sir Robert returned to see to her daily schedule.

When he interrupted her, she turned to her private secretary and asked, "Could we invite this Commander Verde to tonight's reception?"

Rear Admiral Essa beamed at Leo when he returned to Farragut. He reported in to her office and as soon as he entered, she said, "Well done, you!" she said with a clap or two of her hands. "I just received word from Dame Laura; she said you were marvelous with her students. It's precisely what we needed you to do."

Leo blushed under the praise. "Thanks. I'll be honest, my heart was pounding during the beginning. I found my footing about ten minutes in."

She said, not bothering to hide her amusement, “I saw and I’m much obliged for that shout out. Glad my advice worked to your advantage."

He snorted and folded his arms. "She says, not admitting that she dropped this on me with little more than a days' notice."

"Although she does not like being referred to in the third person, she will point out that you handled it with your usual flair and aplomb."

Leo frown at her pointed rejoinder. "I suppose I work well under pressure."

"As a Starfleet officer should. But, you were wonderful, Lalito," Essa replied, though she rose from behind her desk and carried a PADD. "You don't have to take my word for it. Apparently, you impressed Her Majesty enough to garner an invitation to tonight's reception at the Palace."

"What?" he asked, both toneless and stunned.

Essa grinned at his discomfiture. "You need to go find your best dress uniform, Commander. Polish those boots, too. Find those dress gloves. They'll love the full kit, trust me."

Leo shook his head. "I can't go to that. I'm not even a captain."

She turned the PADD around and countered by reading it aloud. "'The Master of the Household has received Her Majesty's command to invite Commander Rainerio Eulalio Verde of Starfleet Task Force Seventeen dot dot dot…'" she let her voice trail off. "It's an official state function, Lalito."


"Did you leave your dress uniform back on the base?"

"N-No… but, I wouldn't even know what to say to a Queen!"

Essa sighed, shooting her godson a lopsided grin. "Just keep your elbows off the table, remember which fork to use, and smile a lot. They taught you about forks at the Academy, right?"

"I, uh… forks?" Leo stammered.

"Utensils you use to shovel food into your mouth?"

He stared at Essa, unamused. "I know what they are. I just- y'know… I was kind of looking forward to a quiet evening in after making it through a terrifying experience on stage in front of eight hundred midshipmen." When Leo finished speaking, he placed a finger on the bridge of his nose.

"What's the matter?" she asked with genuine concern. "You've been to receptions before."

"Back home, sure. This is a little different."

"It's not. Study up on protocol and if you're feeling overwhelmed, just go outside and get some fresh air or something," she told him as she squeezed his shoulder. "You'll do fine."

He let out a held breath with his eyes closed and relaxed. "It'll be okay. I'm a nobody, right? I'm just there because I mentioned you're my Auntie, and it would be rude of her to invite you and not invite me." Leo looked at Essa for reassurance.

She tilted her head. "I think it had more to do with how brilliant you were on the dais."

He shook his in response. "She's just being polite. It's fine."

"If that's how you want to see it, and we beam down together, then I'll take it," Essa said. "Head to your quarters and break out all your ribbons."

The massive entry hall to Westminster Palace made Leo feel insignificant as he stood just inside the huge entrance doors, seeing the end of the long line of dignitaries waiting to be received by the Queen. Overriding his nervousness, he fought the urge to look down at his uniform where his commissioned officer's badge, JAG badge, and an array of his awards, decorations, and service medals sat. The mess dress version of the maroon uniform required the use of the Federation blue and white shoulder aiguillette, with the two extra white braids showing that he served on the staff of a rear admiral, in his role as the task force's judge advocate.

At the tip of those extra braids were ornate white metallic tips. Each step Leo took, a faint tinkle came from the tips clinking against one another. Though not loud enough in the cacophony of overlapping conversations to draw attention to himself, but loud enough to irritate him as he moved.

He remained near the entrance to await other Starfleet personnel, as he appeared to be the first to arrive. Just before beaming down from Farragut, Admiral Essa and Commodore Mogasu decided to delay their arrival for a briefing from the starships Trial and Amazon. Whatever news they brought with them was enough to force Leo to arrive solo.

"I'll be down as soon as I can," Essa had promised him. "Keep the Queen entertained until I do? Kiss the hand; they love that down there."

He sighed until he caught sight of one of the Royal Navy officers in full dress uniform, complete with a ceremonial naval cutlass, a green sash, and two stars. "Holy Kolker," Leo breathed, hoping that no one else heard him.

Unfortunately, the officer did, and she turned to approach him. "May I help you, sir?" she asked as her eyes scanned his uniform.

He blushed under the unexpected attention and cleared his throat as he felt it constrict. "Uh, my apologies. I meant nothing by that."

She wore an amused smile on her lips and introduced herself. "Not at all. Allow me to name myself to you. I am Captain Stacy Meyn, of the Proteus frigate." She bowed and added, "Your servant, sir."

Both officers shook gloved hands as they made each other's acquaintance. Hearing her rank, he deferred in a respectful tone, "Oh, well, it's I who should be your servant, sir. I am Commander Leo Verde, Starfleet Task Force Seventeen. I'm on staff to Rear Admiral Neema Essa." His eyes returned the favor, noticing the additional full medals stacked in a row on her left side. "This is the first time I'm seeing the dress uniform for the Royal Navy. It's… impressive."

The captain shot him a genuine smile, with all of her teeth showing this time. She leaned in and admitted in a low tone, "I hate the damned thing. But when you're commanded to attend an event like this, you're required to wear all the accouterment that the Queen's seen fit to give you." She raised her palm and gestured toward the line. "I'm attending stag, as they say. If you'd like some conversation while we await our turn in line, I'd be most grateful."

He turned back toward the doors and sighed. "I hoped my admiral would be along, but I suppose I shouldn't block the way for others." Leo joked as the hall's width prevented that possibility.

Captain Meyn smirked. "Indeed." She guided him down the hall toward the security checkpoint; armed personnel ran the waiting guests through a weapons scanner to ensure the safety of the Queen.

"Thank you for the kind company, sir," Leo said as he keep abreast of the captain in approaching the end of the line and taking up their position. "Might I start the conversation with an explanation of your sash and stars? They're quite exquisite."

Meyn glanced down before speaking. "This old thing, sir? You wear the sash of the highest order of knighthood you belong to. In this case, it's for The Most Distinguished Order of the Oak, where I hold the rank of Dame Commander."

Leo blinked. "Then that would make you… Dame Stacy?"

She chuckled. "Yes, but in all honesty, I only break out the sash and stars if I'm ordered to, or if they'll impress some boorish flag officer that needs reminding that I'm notable. You can call me Stacy."

"Only if you call me Leo," he replied, breathing a sigh of relief.

Stacy nodded once and then slapped a hand on Leo's shoulder. "Agreed!"

He kept his eyes on her stars. "I take it then that one star is for the Order of the Oak?" Leo could see the Latin writing on the outer edge of the star's design.

The star upon the sash she touched. "This one is. The other is my Leftenancy in the Order of Queen Victoria," she explained, while showing the four-point star in red and white.

As they spoke, the line kept moving at a slow pace. Sometimes, it would stop altogether, as likely someone of import had more than a passing greeting with the monarch. The pause stalled the line before it moved again. All the while, the enlightening conversation prevented Leo's boredom and assuaged his nervousness.

"You mentioned Proteus was a frigate. What class is she, if you don't mind the question?"

"The First Naval Lord has ordered that we cooperate with your admiral, so I'm most happy to brag about my command," Meyn could not contain her beaming smile. "She is a Sutherland-class frigate, twenty-two guns, seventy meters, carries two hundred eleven souls on board."

Leo took in the information and smiled. "Sounds like a beautiful ship. I served on Chandley-class frigates my entire time in the Border Service. I loved my time on those ships, though it was cut short due to circumstances outside my control."

"If you there is any opportunity, I'd be honoured to host you for a time on my Proteus," she offered. Then, she quickly added, "Should your duty and admiral permit, of course."

He tilted his head and embraced that notion within the second before his reply. "That's a great idea. Y'know, part of our mission is cultural and professional exchanges. We've already invited several Royal Naval officers aboard some of our ships on patrol. I think it's critical that both our organizations learn from each other. I've only been on Greenwood for less than a week, and it's been enlightening."

While he spoke, Captain Meyn's expression transformed from sincere interest with a focused gaze to utter amusement as she glanced behind him.

Leo opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong, instead he followed the direction of her eyes as they stared past him. In order to offer the captain his full attention as they continued their animated discussion, he had been facing backward in the line rather than forward. When he turned around, he realized he hadn’t paid attention to his place in line.

Dumbfounded, he stared into the dark brown eyes of Amelia, the Sovereign Queen.