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Part 5 of Star Trek: First Duty

At Her Majesty's Discretion

Chapter 6: The Commander's Memorable Introduction

Chapter Text

Westminster Palace
The Royal City of Victoria, The Sovereign Realm of Greenwood
Grand Hall
July 30, 2318 (Stardate 63.48)


"Commander Rainerio Eulalio Verde of Starfleet's Task Force Seventeen," the uniformed attendant said to Queen Amelia as they stared at one another in the receiving line. He noticed Leo did not react or do anything; he stood frozen before the Crown. Clearing his throat loudly, Leo's eyes darted over to him and saw the motion he was making to remind him of the proper courtesy and respect.

Leo's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh! Apologies, Your Majesty." He finally bowed his head and heard Dame Stacy's amused giggle next to him. "It is my honor to meet you, ma'am."

The Queen extended her hand to him in greeting, which Leo lightly gripped and leaned down to apply his lips chastely to the back. She smirked at the act and chuckled. "Erm, it is a pleasure to meet you, Commander," she said in a tight voice as her lips pulled back in an amused grin. "Though, only my subjects kiss my hand. Is it your intention to switch allegiances?"

He released her hand quickly and flushed crimson under her scrutiny. "I, uh… well, no, ma'am. I was told that it was part of the greeting," Leo stammered out. He closed his eyes and remembered Essa's advice. "I only meant-"

Amelia giggled and interrupted him with her response. "I know you meant well. Please, do forgive my sense of humour. I rarely meet with foreign dignitaries, but after listening to your lecture today, I felt you might be a kindred spirit in that regard."

"O-Of course, Your Majesty," Leo said, suddenly unable to meet her eyes. "I am at your disposal for any future attempts," he offered, meeting the whimsical stare of her eyes with one of his own. As soon as the words left his mouth, he inwardly admonished himself for trying to be witty.

She tilted her head at his offer, widening her grin. "I shall be mindful of that in the future. Please enjoy yourself this evening. It's our privilege to host such a gifted speaker."

"I look forward to it. Thank you, ma'am," Leo replied, finding his footing after the recovery. He followed the guidance of the other attendant, who guided him further into the palace until he entered a massive ballroom where a long table resided, complete with place settings and place-cards.

He waited for Captain Meyn to find her way into the room after him and when they made eye contact, she could not help but laugh. "Well, Her Majesty definitely shan't forget that greeting. You make an indelible impression, Leo."

Once again, Leo blushed. "I sincerely hope I didn't do any damage to Starfleet's honor."

"I doubt very much that was the case. She is quite the card, herself, as legend has it," Meyn confessed. "I believe you did main-well." Then, she informed him, "She couldn't stop staring after you when you left to come here."

Now, that surprised him, but he hedged. "Well, hopefully not to make a mental note to speak to my admiral after that showing."

To his delight, the placard bearing Leo's name put him in the seat next to Dame Stacy because of the adjacent nature of their ranks. Across from him were the other post-captains of various stripes, but as the pair of fast friends continued their discussion from before his embarrassing episode earlier in the evening, they learned they had much in common.

"What's always been fascinating to me about patrolling territorial borders is that in between the fire-fighting, there's plenty of opportunity to train your crew," Meyn said. "For example, conducting drills every third day after an engagement keeps the gun crews in top condition."

"Ah, well…" Leo said after drawing the cup of tea from his lips. "I've always wanted to learn of why the Royal Navy opts for manual weapon operations when the computer could be programmed to automate that function."

"Oh, there're plenty of functions that the computer could take on as its duty." Meyn leaned back to accept the refilling of her teacup. "Limiting the luxury of computer operations ensures you build proper teamwork within the crew. An officer leads each gun crew and teaches them how to handle management of their resources and personnel. Should that officer be a midshipman, it factors into their preparation to stand for examination."

Leo leaned forward. "Interesting. In Starfleet, a typical midshipman enters at eighteen or older. They train for four years and earn a bachelor's degree and a commission at the first paygrade of their chosen service or branch. The weeks' long examination process is part of their final year."

Meyn flavored her refreshed cup and replied, "All midshipmen in the Royal Navy attend the Academy for two years before they're graduate with a certification that declares them as a midshipman ordinary, then assigned to a ship or shore billet. In those two years, they're trained on the basics. Mostly math starting at various levels, but they all must pass trigonometry in order to seek a berth."

"What about other disciplines? History, leadership philosophy, command ethics?"

"History, yes. Leadership philosophy only at a basic understanding. Command ethics is typically folded into the leadership tract," she explained. "However, I felt I learned more under the direct tutelage of a proper captain aboard a fifth rate. I served there until I passed examination and then they sent me to another ship as a leftenant."

"Fascinating," Leo replied. "Our ensigns undergo a similar routine of on-the-job training after graduation. Though, not all ensigns will find themselves a starship billet; some are assigned to bases or planets for shore duty."

Meyn nodded while listening. "That is not too dissimilar from our practice. Once graduated from our Naval Academy, they are expected to promote to the training grade of midshipman within the first two years through practical training. Some have obtained promotion within six months depending on their abilities. A passed midshipman wouldn't receive their orders as a commissioned leftenant until there's a proper billet for them to attain. My own commission was not confirmed until four months after I passed."

"Interesting," Leo said, his tone thoughtful. "I think I'd definitely like to see life aboard a Royal Naval ship while I'm on this assignment."

"How long do you have?"

He sighed. "Six months. My assignment to the task force is a temporary secondment. They will remain here in-system for eighteen months minimum."


"Uh, well, the admiral has some latitude to extend the task force's stay, if she deems it necessary."

"I see." Meyn's eyes lit up as she caught sight of someone else. "Leo, would you pardon me? As much as I would rather speak to you, it would be nigh catastrophically impolitic of me not to pay my respects to some of the flag officers before they depart for the evening."

"By all means," he said, rising from his seat. "I should locate the head, myself. If we don't meet up later, please contact me on Farragut."

She held out her hand. "Absolutely. It's been a real pleasure to speak with you. You've made what would've been a dull evening most delightful."

"Likewise, Dame Stacy. Hope to hear from you soon." They shook hands, and she left him as the crowd thinned.

The Queen had already left once the desert course completed, escorted by an entourage of people. Everyone stood up briefly out of respect before it felt like the atmosphere thinned considerably without her presence. Leo could see Admiral Essa and Commodore Mogasu with their gold-trimmed dress uniforms standing out in the crowd. He would join them, but biological urgency demanded he tend to other business, first.

He noticed people leaving the Marble Hall and hoped to find a bathroom. With the rising pressure he found himself at the junction leading back to the Great Hall, where a pair of uniformed sentries stood. As he drew nearer, both of them tensed and Leo raised his hands to show his lack of malicious intent. "Sorry to bother you both while you're on duty. I don't suppose I could trouble you for directions to the, uh… damn, you don't call it a restroom, do you? The toilet?"

The guard on the right pointed back the way he came. "Other end of the Hall, left side, last door, sir."

"Thank you, sir," Leo said as he continued onward to the right side from the junction. He continued until he came to another pair of sentries guarding an alcove leading beyond; both of them eyeing him in the distance until he drew closer. Once more, he set them as ease with a gesture. "Your colleagues pointed me here for the toilet, and I'm in dire need."

The sentries snapped to attention as softened footfalls approached the alcove.

"Please, Commander," said a feminine soprano voice he had heard once before, "if you're in need, you may walk this way and use my facility."

When he cast a glance back, both guards were bowing their heads at the presence of the Crown standing at the threshold of the alcove to what Leo guessed was the more private area of the palace.

Leo bowed his head as he had before. "Your Majesty. I apologize for the disturbance."

"Not at all," she replied. "I happened nearby and heard your voice. It's rather distinctive."

"I appreciate the offer, but-"

She cut him off with a curt gesture. "But nothing. Follow me, please." She muttered something to the nearest guard, and they stepped clear to grant Leo a clear passage into the wing.

After he moved into the smaller ante-corridor, he followed the Queen as she moved inward to another room and then gestured to a door. "That door, there. Take your time, please. I'm in no hurry to return," she admitted that last in a quieter tone.

He heard her, given the lack of anyone else but the two of them in that room. Leo nodded his thanks and made a beeline for the offered door. He entered and returned after washing his hands like his life depended on it. Leo turned around to close the door with a soft click and then opened his mouth to thank her.

She interrupted him once more. "Do you have other duties this evening, by chance? Is your admiral expecting your return straightaway?"

"Uh, no?" he said softly. Then realizing he left off the respect, he added, "Ma'am."

The Queen waved him off. "I think you've 'ma'am'ed me quite enough for one night, Commander. Given you've just availed yourself of my personal loo, perhaps that earns me a little casual conversation?"

He nodded once. "If… Your Majesty won't find it disrespectful…?"

"Not at all. It would be refreshing to be seen as a woman rather than as a sovereign for a few minutes." She added softly, "And I feel as though perhaps someone well outside my circle might afford that?"

He smirked, the nodded again. The longer they spoke, the more he found her alluring. But, as much as he wanted to flirt with the Queen in that moment, he kept his tone respectful and told her, "If you would, please call me Leo, that's my preference."

"'Leo,'" she tried with a toothy grin. "Not 'Rainerio?'"

"No one calls me that, not even my parents."

"Then… might I ask how you came to called 'Leo?'"

He looked down at his hands. "That's… uh… well, I guess I should start with my mother. She and my friends have always called me 'Leo.' Rainerio is my late uncle's name. My middle name comes from my grandfather, Eulalio. In my mother's family, almost all of them adopt a diminutive of their middle name, and so it was an easy jump. The other members of my family call me 'Lalito.'"

"Interesting. Might I ask what your father, the famous fighting Admiral Rey Verde, calls you?"

Leo did not hide his astonished expression as the Queen admitted she knew who his father was. "He uses Lalito when we're amongst company." He added, "In private, he shortens it to 'Lito.'"

She smiled at that disclosure. "I understand. I'm sure that you're already aware, my given name is Amelia. However, my parents and older brother called me 'Amy' since I could remember."

Leo knew all three perished in the same shuttle flight; a successful assassination of King Edward II, the Queen, and the Crown Prince, carried out by a revolutionary faction seventeen years prior. "I read what happened. I'm very sorry about the loss of your family."

"Thank you," she replied politely. "It happened long ago, but there are days when the memories come rushing back." The Queen settled into a comfortable overstuffed chair in front of a small circular table. Another chair just like it sat across from her. "Could I offer you something to drink while we talk?"

He took the seat as soon as her hand waved over it. "Thank you, but I'm sure I downed two whole pots of tea during the meal, hence my haste for a, uh…" He trailed off, considering his choice of words. He snapped his fingers as he realized. "Water-closet! That's the term I was looking for earlier."

"I saw you were well-engaged in conversation with Dame Stacy most of the evening," she said, leaving the question unspoken.

"Oh, well… we just met in the Great Hall. She helped pass the time while we waited to be received."

The memory of their initial meeting played out on both of their faces; hers settled on an amused expression with a twinkle in her eyes, while he blushed once more. "I recall you were so engrossed that you did not realize a queen was waiting on you."

"I am so sorry for that, ma'am. Er-! I mean…" He sighed. "I don't rightly know how to address you..."

She smiled, amused at his obvious discomfort.

He stressed, "I really don't want to end this evening having destroyed a relationship with a sovereign nation. Could you help me out?"

She giggled. "For tonight, Leo… you may call me Amel- no, wait." She looked at her feet briefly. "Would you call me 'Amy?'"

"Of course," he said with a warm smile. "Amy."

Pointing to her ear as though she did not hear him, she asked, "I'm sorry, could I trouble you to say that once more?"

"I said, 'of course… Amy.'" He raised his tone only slightly, under the impression that he did not annunciate himself properly.

The effects of hearing his deep baritone voice use that name had a visible effect on her demeanor. She closed her eyes. Her dark complexion did well to hide the deep blush she felt surface on her cheeks, ears, and neck. Listening to him addressing the corps of midshipmen earlier in the day caused her to experience an autonomous sensory median response to the smooth timbre. Now that he was sitting a mere meter away, his presence confirmed her earlier reaction.

"Thank you," she said, her eyes closed. "It is gratifying to hear that name, once more. It makes me feel… seen."

He chuckled. "Forgive me, but I have a difficult time with the concept of you not being seen."

Amy grinned. "That's because you only know me as 'The Queen.' Capital tee and capital que."

"Very true, but we've only just met this evening, so my experience is severely limited," Leo admitted nervously.

She swallowed a few times before telling him, "I listened to your lecture at the Naval Academy earlier. If seem overly familiar with you it's because your words touched me."

Leo blinked. "I'm… very pleased to hear that… uh, Amy."

"I'm sure you know that the House of Fitzwilliam has a famous lineage. From childhoods, we're taught all about Queen Victoria and hold her in reverence for her accomplishments in founding this Realm. To hear someone from the Federation speak so highly of her felt as though… it felt like… official recognition. It was quite moving."

He picked up the change in Amy's tone as she spoke. Her body language and tone betrayed her emotions, though she kept a tight hold on her facial expression. He told her, "My mission here is to strengthen the bonds of a common lineage between the Federation and the Realm. I accomplished that by calling attention to Queen Victoria's achievements in her time as a Starfleet officer and as founder and monarch of the Realm."

"Thank you," she said earnestly.

He nodded. "You're quite welcome. Though, I will admit it was a rush job."

"I'm not sure what you mean by a 'rush job.'"

Leo smirked. "I had little more than a day to write that lecture. I had to do a lot of research of our own records and Dame Laura granted me access to the Academy library system so I could source information."

"However the means, you did most admirably."

"Thank you… um, Amy." He turned his head to look around the private study and missed her reaction once more to his use of her nickname. "I hope you don't find this question rude, but am I keeping you from the banquet or other duties?"

She shook her head. "Sir Robert will come find me if there's something I need to attend to. For the moment, my intention is to speak with you without the trappings of pomp and protocol."

"I see. Who is Sir Robert?"

"My private secretary. He ensures everything runs smoothly."

Leo lifted his chin and said, "Ah. I have someone similar working for me back on Starbase Eight. He's a lieutenant named Barzel Timel, and he's very efficient. My office runs like a Swiss watch thanks to him."

"Fascinating," she said. After a short pause, she glided closer to him and in a quieter, almost conspiratorial tone, she asked, "Can I tell you something?"

Leo grinned. "Amy, you can tell me anything you like, as long as you're not divulging state secrets."

Despite his permission, she hesitated briefly, giving in to her insecurities. Finally, she said, "I love listening to you speak. That was the real reason I dragged you away from the banquet. I listened to your lecture twice today. You could read from a boring technical manual and I would still be captivated."

He blushed deeply under her admission, but felt he could not look away from her gaze. Under the sudden realization that she continued to give him her full attention, Leo blinked a few times and felt the heat of his face. "I… uh… um… is it getting hot in here?"

"The palace's private apartments are climate controlled," Amy said with lopsided grin. "You should know that I meant every word."

Leo recovered enough to give her a grin, locate his composure, and lean into his experience in court. "Well, I-I'm pleased to hear that. In my profession, to hold a jury's attention is a tool necessary to a successful attorney; in or out of Starfleet."

"If I'm honest, I sit here and I feel as though I've known you forever," she told him. "I must admit to being a little bewit-"

Her words were pre-empted by a courtesy knock at the door before it opened and in walked the aforementioned Sir Robert. "Majesty, your guests are awaiting your return to the ballroom." The private secretary locked eyes with Leo briefly before casting his glance downward out of respect to the Crown.

Amy sighed. "Of course. I shall return presently. Thank you, Sir Robert."

The older gentleman nodded his compliance. "Might I escort your guest back to the ballroom in advance of your return, ma'am?"

Leo rose from the chair. "Leo Verde, sir," he introduced himself. "My apologies for monopolizing the Queen's time. She did me a personal service, and I felt it was the least I could do to indulge her request for conversation." He turned to Amy before she could speak and winked. "My eternal thanks for your hospitality, Your Majesty."

Her face fell as he returned to calling her by title. "Thank you for you allowing me to show my gratitude for your thoughtful lecture today, Commander." Queen Amelia nodded to Sir Robert. "Thank you, Sir Robert, for showing him the way."

"Ma'am," Sir Robert replied, bowing his head. He raised an arm and gestured to the door, "After you, Commander."

Leo followed suit and bowed his head in the same fashion, recalling a modicum of protocol in retreating backwards. Once he was appropriately removed from her immediate presence, he turned on his heels and preceded Sir Robert out of the study.

Once beyond the door, Sir Robert closed the door, then turned to shoot Leo a tight smile. "Commander, if you will follow me, please?"

As they walked back the same way she led him in, Leo offered, "If I erred, Sir Robert, my sincere apologies."

The gentleman did not turn his head, instead intoning, "Not at all, Commander. Her Majesty merely used you as an excuse to hide herself from the tiring nature of public events such as this. However, she appeared to be in good spirits, so I imagine your discussion with her was uplifting."

"I found it rather… enlightening," he said as they turned the corner to the main chamber. "Certainly not how I envisioned the evening would progress when I first arrived."

"It should go without saying that if she mentioned or spoke on any subject that might compromise her status as Monarch, she has your full and unyielding confidence," Sir Robert cautioned him.

Leo confirmed with a nod. "Yes, sir."

They paused before making the final turn back out into the Marble Hall, where the attendees spilled out of the ballroom and made use of the many benches and chairs there for their use. Leo spotted the maroon uniforms and recognized Essa and Mogasu.

Sir Robert held his hand to touch Leo's shoulder. "I hope you will be mindful of Her Majesty's position in the future and understand that the Queen's kindness expressed her feelings toward your words earlier today, and nothing more."

Leo's affable smile disappeared, replaced with a serious expression. He assured him with equal timbre, "Sir Robert, I give you my word as a Starfleet officer that I shall not take advantage of the Queen."

That mollified the man, who nodded with satisfaction. "On your word, then, sir." Sir Robert added, "I make no apologies for my protection of Her Majesty. It is my duty. I shall ensure no harm comes to her, by any means necessary."

With an offered hand, Leo replied, "Then the measure of your loyalty to Her Majesty is reflected in the quality of her leadership, Sir Robert."

After releasing the handshake, an unimpressed Sir Robert gestured to the Marble Hall.

"As we now understand one another, please enjoy the rest of tonight's entertainment, Commander. Good evening."

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