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Sins of the Father


An Au where La’an is still on the Enterprise for the events of Space Seed…..and of course Khan never forgets a face

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“Would it trouble you so much to tell me your name?” Khan asked the guard who stood outside his door: a stern woman who wore her dark hair in Dutch braids and wore the masculine version of the Starfleet uniform.

“La’an.” Her answer was terse.  She dared not look at Khan.  She did not want to be reminded of when she saw him last.

“Curiouser and curiouser,” he teased.  “I never forget a face.  Yours I have seen before, centuries ago.  How strange that we have both been displaced in time.”

La’an closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  He was just a boy back then.  And now he was a prisoner who would be dealt with in time.

“Your silence is damning, La’an,” he continued.  “I have read the crew manifest  for this ship.  I know who you are.”

La’an kept a stern face and didn’t dare look Khan in the eye.

“Family, La’an, has always been my highest priority.  Even my half-breed bastards enjoyed an elevated status.  I can grant you the same status, with your cooperation..”

“Absolutely not!”  La’an flipped open her communicator.  “La’an to security, our visitor will require additional security.”