Archive FAQ > Our Public Stances on Things

You own your work.

We make no claim whatsoever on it. You're welcome to leave it here, take it down, edit it, anything, because it's yours.

We believe in IDIC.

The Ad Astra archive and staff makes no distinction between human-created fanworks based on content, theme, pairing, you name it. We're not here to judge you for what you write. We try to look in on every story posted for both pleasure and to check tag compliance, but there's a good chance that we won't be able to see everything.

We're giving you this place -- this home -- and all we ask is that you treat it and your fellow creators with kindness and respect.

That being said, there are a few things that we don't allow:

  • Fanworks posted here that are created for the intention of harassing or harming others, either on site or off. An example would be someone writing a blatantly and intentionally racist story specifically to cause harm to fans of color, something of an ugly gotcha. While we can't monitor every story, if such a work is brought to our attention, it and the author will be removed.

    As a note, though: We do not consider fics exploring the themes of racism to be racist, nor do we consider fics that are clearly not intended to be racist but may have some racist themes or unintentional bias present to fall under that category. The fanwork in question must have a clear enough intent to discern it as such.
  • AI Generated stories or artwork. While we can't possibly know with 100% certainty whether something is AI generated, we don't condone the posting of it here on Ad Astra. We want this archive to be for human fans of Star Trek to highlight their work and creativity; we don't believe feeding prompts into a machine trained on the backs of others is a valid fanwork. Please respect that.
  • RPF for anyone still alive or dead within the past fifty years, who is not a notable historical figure of some type. So, Abraham Lincoln is a yes, Leonard Nimoy is a no. Your neighbor down the street is also a no.
  • Anything at all involving real-life minors. Not even if it's about how your kid met Mister Spock. And for that matter, anything at all that can be interpreted as being about real-life minors.

We believe in community participation.

The original Ad Astra was an incredibly collaborative, supportive place. We consistently had some of the highest review-to-story ratios across any fandom archive, not just Trek fandom. Some of that was the Review Hunt, but some of that also was the nature of the people involved and the spirit of the community.

We'd like to continue that tradition. Take a few minutes when you can to look around, drop someone a kudos, leave them a comment; not only will you make their day, you'll also likely receive attention in kind. The joyful momentum a story archive and fandom community can gain by the participation of the people who call it home cannot possibly be overstated. You're also welcome to come over to the forums and chat with us about your stories, solicit opinions, join or make a round robin, you name it! And you can join our Discord server, as well, where we talk and share story links, challenges and Review Hunt news.

We really do want you here. We want you to share your creativity and we would like it if you'd lift up the creativity of your fellow fans, too.