Bookmark Search: Date Updated

Specify a range of times to find bookmarked items that were posted or updated during that time frame: works with new chapters, for example, or series with new works. If a work was backdated by its creator (i.e. had a different publication date set when it was uploaded to the Archive), that date will be used for this search.

You can search by year, month, week, day, or hour.

< 3 days ago
will find bookmarks of works that were posted or updated within the past three days
> 3 years ago
will find bookmarks of works that were posted or updated more than three years ago
3-9 months ago
will find bookmarks of works that were posted or updated between 3 and 9 months ago

The "ago" is optional. Note that "1 day ago" is not a range, and would only find items updated at this exact instant yesterday. Create a range instead.