Work Search: Any Field

Searches all the fields associated with a work in the database, including summary, notes and tags, but not the full work text.

The characters ":" and "@" have special meanings. Leave them out of your search or you will get unexpected results. Like in the Title and Author/Artist field, you can use the following operators to combine your search terms:

*: any characters
book* will find book and books and booking.
space: acts like AND for search terms in the same field of the work
James T. Kirk will find James T. Kirk and James Tiberius Kirk in any field, but it won't find works by a creator named Jim with the character tag Samuel Kirk.
AND: searches for works which have both terms in any field
James AND Kirk will find works by a creator named James with the character tag Samuel Potter.
||: OR (not exclusive)
James || Kirk will find James, James Kirk, and Kirk.
"": words in exact sequence
"James T. Kirk" will find James T. Kirk but not James T. Kirk/Spock.
-: NOT
James -Spock will find James T. Kirk but not Spock or James T. Kirk/Spock.
"Fandom X" "F/F" -Explicit
will return all works from Fandom X tagged as F/F, and exclude those tagged Explicit
"Character A" OR "Character B" -"Character Death"
will return all works including Character A or Character B (or both), and no works tagged with "Character Death" in either the Warnings or the Additional tags
"Character A/Character B" Underage Mature OR Explicit
will return all works for this pairing that include an Underage warning and are either rated Mature or Explicit