Arc of the Wolf

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This is a story that has been in the works since October of 2001. I was only twenty-one when I started it. I had intended to write a lighthearted homage to my hero (from like, age three) -- one Montgomery Scott -- and that worked for about four or five chapters of On the Nature of Wind (the first story I wrote for it) before I realized this was going to be a hell of a lot more complicated than that.

So, it is an homage to Scotty -- who I still adore and always will -- but it's also a deep character study. It's a tale of found purpose and found family. It's got its fair share of trauma, and of triumph; of anger, and of hope. It's a story that often is close to the ground; if not always in the most literal sense, then certainly in the emotional one. It has deadly serious moments, and also some seriously goofy moments, not a little humor, not a little heartbreak, and I think mostly it's a very human story.

It's my love letter to my hero, my very favorite character of all time. Of all the tales I've told, this one's my heartsong. It's the first time I started telling a story where my protagonist was the same age I was in the beginning, with ONOW, and I can definitely say I've done a lot of growing up parallel to what Scotty does here.

I don't know if I'll ever be able finish this story, even though I've known for over two decades how it ends. But I do hope to.

Some quick answers to theoretical questions: No, you don't have to read every piece, you can skip some, though I can't always promise you won't miss something. You also don't have to read it in chronological order, for that matter, though the same caveats apply.

As an important aside: Almost all of it was plotted quite a long time ago; before more recent times, this story dovetailed perfectly to what we had of TOS canon. Down to the very last detail, too. But since then, new offerings by the powers that be have kind of changed things up. While I am absolutely thrilled by the existence of Discovery and Strange New Worlds -- oh boy, am I! -- I'm not going to rework the timeline of the Arc of the Wolf based on the new material, though I may incorporate parts of the new material into the timeline instead. So, when you read this, the only for-sure canon followed is TOS, TNG, the movies and the novels Vulcan's Glory and Kobayashi Maru (in plot, if not in incidentals). Unless something really stellar comes up and I can't resist, anyway!

I hope you enjoy this tale. I've never told one closer to my own heart than this one.


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