
McCoy's face, disbeliving, the words "the hell"

Drabble Queen

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Space Australia


A contact list can be found here.

All works archived here may by used for any transformative works. Please do let me know, and if you could link back, that would be wonderful. I EXPLICITLY DO NOT GRANT PERMISSION TO USE MY WORKS IN MACHINE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, COLLOQUIALLY REFERRED TO AS A.I., TO PRODUCE NEW WORKS.

Any comments deemed negative, at my discretion, will likely be deleted. I'm not in this for concrit. Typo catching is fine, but honestly, my fics are offered as entertainment, not a skill to hone, and if you do not care for them, please avail yourself of your back button and then go kvetch in your own place about the terrible writing.

My archived works at AO3. Works are being discontinued for posting on August 1, 2023 there.

My current works at Squidge World. This will be the primary location on August 1, 2023 for posting non-Star Trek.