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a new dawn, a new day, a new life

Chapter 7: Epilogue

Chapter Text

Four years later

Soren was milling about the reception for new graduates when she heard a familiar voice shout her name.

“Will!” she yelled as they walked toward each other. “I didn't expect to see you here.”

“The Enterprise is in for repairs, so we’ve all got a few days of shore leave. I decided to spend one of them here. Congratulations, by the way. Where have you been posted?”

“I’ve been assigned to the Attenborough under Captain Wong—it’s one of the new ships. Do you know her?”

“I knew Wong back at the Academy, she was a year ahead of me. She was a good student, but I’m afraid I haven’t kept up with her since she graduated. What about your friends? Where are they going?”

“Ynes and Eimes have also been assigned to the Attenborough. Andy’s been posted to Starbase Twelve, and Meg’s going to the Penumbra.”

“Well, it sounds like you’ve been doing good for yourself.” He paused, then asked, “and how are things on J’Na?”

“Well, I’m told that things are starting to change. There are organized groups advocating for the gender people, and some people have started to live more openly. The police raids have slowed, and while there are still some refugees, their number has slowed too.”

“That’s very good!”

“Yes. I think that this is the start of a new era for the gender people—we’re finally working to try and get our rights.”

“And how are your friends doing?”

“Joset’s just started working at a clinic in Moscow, and he really likes his work. Resel’s work on Trill has continued to be good. Mores’ poetry is doing very well on Qo'nos and apparently there’s a lot of Klingon ladies who want to court him. Maris and Jorel and Jeska are doing will, and Maris and Jorel just had another kid. Their name’s Opinsa.”

“So, how are you feeling about graduation?”

Soren smiled. “I’m a bit sad that I won’t be able to see some of my friends as much, but mostly I’m excited that I’ll finally be able to be an actual pilot for Starfleet, and that I’ll be able to meet other species.”

Riker grinned. “Well, based on what I know about you, I think that the fleet will be very lucky to have you as a pilot.”

“…thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.”

Riker raised his glass. “To new adventures?”

“To new adventures.”

They clinked their glasses together.



Original ending A/N: Here’s a link to the art for this fic on Tumblr


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