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Part 7 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 7: The Roundabout

Chapter 19: SBA Episode 7: The Roundabout - Scene 19: Teacher Pel


Ten true summers, we'll be there, and laughing, too...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 7: The Roundabout
Scene 19: Teacher Pel


Teacher Pel


Pel was in her quarters aboard the U.S.S. Mako. She was depressed and demoralized by her treatment at the hands of a powerful oeast cult at the heart of the Sacred Games. Her prosthetic ears, designed to facilitate her disguise as a ferengi male, had been destroyed and she had not had them replaced. Her secret had been exposed to too many people. Her life had been in ruins for quite some time, but the damage she had done, the danger to which she had exposed the U.S. Marines, whom she had come to deeply admire, highlighted the final, utter wreckage of her life. 

She had been living a lie for many years. And it had finally crashed into ruin around her.

She did not want to see Captain Skip Howard, but she could hardly refuse him entry. He was the one person who had always been on her side. Possibly the only person she knew who had always believed in her.

“Yes, enter,” she said when he arrived and rang her door chime.


Captain Howard walked in and placed a data card on the desk in Pel’s sparely furnished quarters

Pel didn’t look up. She didn’t have the strength to look the Beagle’s captain in the eye.

“A gift from Martial Nalconi,” Howard said.

“That bird does not give gifts,” Pel responded.

“Perhaps not. But this is something you wanted more than anything in the Oulheadhry. And he did not have to give it to you.”

Pel looked up.

“The ancient, sacred texts. The history of your people's contact with the Oulheadry,” Howard explained. “They had never been committed to computer. While Dutch Holland was showing the floor to that oule champion, Nalconi’s confederates were raiding the sacred library and stealing the ancient texts right under the noses of the warrior cult. They were so wrapped up in their scheme to put our people into the ring, and in our little performance to rescue them, that the library was left pretty much unguarded. Nalconi allowed me to replicate the books and their patterns are on this card. And now that he is in possession of them, he has essentially stolen the games from the warrior cult.”

“He used us,” Pel said. “I have to admire his ruthlessness.”

“A very interesting combination of ruthless and gracious,” Howard rejoined. “He played us like a Stradivarius violin. Expertly, but carefully.”

“I think he was only a few steps ahead of us,” said Pel. “He saw his opportunity, drew us in. I’m sure he realized that you would put on a tremendous show. He probably had that blind priestess plant that prophesy to see what you would do with it...”

“He does strike me as a man who loves a good show,” Howard agreed. "And yeah, that little self-fulfilling prophesy was quite convenient..."

“You have the ability to project holograms,” said Pel. “I’ve seen you do it before. That’s what all that darkness was.”

“A blend of a holo generator and a transporter,” Howard responded. “Superb camouflage for our rescue team to do their work. Dutchie’s invention, actually.”

Pel was shaking her head. "Care to explain why I dreamed about those mumbling fingers of darkness before actually seeing them?"

Howard laughed. "That was a surprise to me, too, and I haven't decided how to address it yet... I'm far from certain I approve... Apparently Premiere T'Eln and Ten cooked up a nightmare for the oule champion to soften him up for Dutchie, and a fair number of people got caught up in the psychic backwash. Fortunately, Dutchie was awake at the moment they were broadcasting that nightmare..."

“And the glowing patterns on Commander Holland's skin?”

“Bioluminescent tattoos,” Howard answered. “He’s going to be glowing for a few weeks, but eventually, his body will absorb the bioluminescent ink. He said at first it really burned, but now it’s just a dull itch.”

Pel made an amused noise, then fell silent.



After nearly a full minute of silence, Pel looked up again: “What’s to become of me? Too many people know about me now. I’m never going to be able to go home.” Her voice cracked with grief.

“Martial Nalconi said something to me that kind of stuck,” Captain Howard replied. “While you’re in the Oulheadry, you’re no longer Trader Pel. You’re Teacher Pel. It got me to thinking… You have been Teacher Pel for some time. Ever since I met you, really. We have all learned so much from you. You are an amazing teacher. Perhaps it’s time to leave Trader Pel behind and become Teacher Pel.”

Captain Howard stood up, walked over to Pel and lightly kissed the top of her head, as if giving a blessing, then turned to leave.




Howard turned at the door to look at Pel.

“You really are a weird man,” said Pel. “You know that, right?”

Captain Howard smiled and giggled lightly. “You have no idea.” He exited the room, leaving a smiling Pel behind him.


The Roundabout


This is the final scene for Episode 7.

The adventure will continue with Episode 8: South Side of the Sky.

Series this work belongs to: