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The Mystery Of The Lost Contact.


Ridey and a male friend went to a space station to learn why the people of Earth lost contact with the crew of that station.


This is an original fiction. All of the characters are mine.

Work Text:

A spacecraft from Earth was heading toward an orbiting space station. They lost contact with the station a while ago. Inside the spacecraft, is a brown haired female named Ridey. She wore a brown spacesuit and has glasses over eyes. Driving the spacecraft was a blonde male named Fred. They docked the ship at the station. The two got out of the craft and walked though the station.

“What has happen here?” asked Fred, when he found his first dead body. It frightens him.

“I have no idea,” admitted Ridey. She check the body. There was no marks on the body. She turned the body around to see that it was a brown skinned male. She let go of the body and saw that there was more dead bodies in the station. They walked though the station. They found all the crew of the station. They were all dead. None of them has marks on their bodies.

What could have caused it?” asked Fred. Ridey wished that she has the answer. Something has caused this. Then, she got her answer when she heard footsteps.

“We’re not the only ones here,” said Ridey. Both she and Fred got out their guns. They was getting ready for a fight. There was an explosion, and Ridey blacked out. When she woke up, she found that she was naked and in a tube. She put her hands on the tube. She looked around the room that the tube was in. Then an upright alien with the head of a Great Dane walked inside. He was naked and has brown skin.

“Don’t fight what I’m going to you. It will be painful if you do,” thought casted the dog faced alien. Then, she felt her mind being taken over. There was fear in her eyes. She felt his mind going into her mind. She could sense that he was a male and was planning to mate with her. When it was done, the tube lifted up. It wasn’t needed anymore.

“Come to me,” ordered the dog faced alien. Ridey did as the alien ordered her to. She couldn’t help herself. She must give him what he want. She felt him rubbing his body onto her body. She felt his penis going inside her body. She exist to please him. So that what she did. She couldn’t give him children, but she could give him pleasure and made him happy. So, that what she did, and only death could release her, but it would be a long time before it happen. The end, for now.