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Mirror of the Mind

Chapter Text

The door to La’an’s room closed behind Maya, and at once an augment rushed to her side and escorted her back to the spare room.  This augment was a young woman named Saoirse Butler.  In her own universe, Saoirse had a nasty attitude toward everyone and everything, and judging from the sour look on her face, the Terran version probably didn’t have a more optimistic outlook.  That could work to her advantage.

Saorise didn’t say a word or even look at Maya, but once she turned to leave and go about her own business, Maya called after her.  “Saoirse, wait!  I need to speak to you.”

Saorise stopped to turn toward Maya and glared with narrowed eyes.  “I don’t have time for this.”

“That is no way to speak to the heir of Khan!”  Maya raised her voice and took a few long, quick strides to stand uncomfortably close to Saoirse.  She stood with her chest out and head high, but because she was much shorter than Saorise she looked less intimidating and more like a child trying to stand up to an older sibling.

“You’re no one.”  Saoirse was not intimidated.  She still stood tall  and steady and spoke calmly.

“Am I though?  I may come from a different world, but no one else alive, anywhere, has both this blood in their veins and his enhancements in their genome.  If you were loyal to the other Maya, you should be loyal to me as well.  My claim is just as legitimate as hers was.”

“I won’t pledge my loyalty to you,” Saoirse answered.  “But I will indulge your request so long as you don’t take too much of my time.”

A half smile curled onto Maya’s face and she eased away from Saoirse, stepping back to a distance more comfortable for conversation.  “I only require a few minutes.  I’m just curious about some of the ways your Ceti Alpha V differed from my own.”

“In what ways?”  Saoirse’s demeanor had not warmed up any, even if she was acting a bit more agreeable.

“Mostly how interpersonal dynamics differ.  I couldn’t help but notice that nearly everyone the other Maya chose to bring from Ceti Alpha V is so young.  Why is that?”  A safer, simpler question to test.  One that didn’t matter, that she had her own ideas about the answer.

Saoirse let out a dismissive sigh that rolled through her upper body and made her shoulders slump.  “I thought that would be too obvious to warrant asking.  When the real Maya rose up against her father, alliances were made largely along generational lines.  While most of our elders did accept her, few were able to earn her trust.”

“That’s what I expected, I only wanted confirmation,”  Maya replied with a nod.  Saoirse may have seemed annoyed by her questions, but at least she was receptive and not holding back anything with her answers.  That was enough to encourage Maya to question further.  “I’m also curious to know a little more about you.”

“Oh?”  Saoirse straightened her shoulders and opened her eyes a little wider.  “Why, were we friends in your universe?  Because in this one I could barely stand you.”

“And yet you were trusted enough to be in the inner circle?”

“I liked the promise of being at the top of the Terran Empire much more than I disliked Maya.”

That sounded like the Saoirse she knew.  “In my universe it seemed like you disliked everyone.”  Maya took a few steps away and spoke casually, not to accuse or criticize but simply offer a neutral description.  “Least of all Awais Patil.  I’m surprised the two of you never killed each other, in either universe.”

“As am I. He’s arrogant, entitled, doesn’t think through his actions.”

Good. Saoirse was taking the bait.  “Why do you follow him, then?”

“Excuse me?”  Saoirse narrowed her eyes again.

“I’m sorry.  I meant no offense.”  Maya held up her hands and shook her head.  “It’s more…that I don’t understand why he seems to have taken charge.  I expedited Katya to take over for your Maya because of their relationship, and Suzette for her experience.  But what claim does he have?”

“Only that he wants power.”  Saoirse rolled her eyes just thinking about it.

“Does that seem right to you?”  Maya took a few steps closer to Saoirse again and mirrored her posture and expression as best she could, eyes narrow and hands clasped behind her back. This time she meant to be accusatory.  “Does that even make sense?”

Saoirse opened her mouth as if to speak, but she paused and blinked instead  “Maya, I think you’ve taken enough of my time.”  Without another word she turned and left.

After a few more hours, La’an and Maya were retrieved to join the rest of the group.  Joseph M’Benga stood at one end, ready and at attention like a slider.  He wore a stern look on his face, looked straight ahead, and had a commanding presence even without saying a word.  Everyone else–augments and Terrans alike–faced him, mostly standing, but a few sat where they could find some space.

He stayed dead still and only moved his eye to watch as La’an and May were brought into the room.  A space at the table had been saved for La’an, and Maya sat on the floor.  She wasn’t concerned with being dignified here.  She had been pushing herself too hard ever since she left her own universe and knew she would have no respite until everything was set back in order.

M’Benga addressed the entire group.  “Now that we are all here, I’d like to get started right away.  We can’t waste time, not when we are thirty-six hours away from storming the capitol and taking back the empire.  Awais.  You have your orders, as we discussed this morning.  Brief your people at your earliest convenience.  As for La’an…”

“Wait!”  Saoirse’s voice rang out.  She stood in the back of the room but pushed her way forward. “I’d like to set into motion a vote of no confidence.  Awais is not fit to lead us.”

Awais pointing an accusing finger at Saoirse.  “You have no right!”

“That’s enough!”  M’Benga shouted, but he lowered his voice back to its usually commanding yet respectable tone.  “There is no time for any of this, Awais, get control of your people.”

“No. I refuse to comply with his leadership.”  Saoirse looked around to the other augments. “Surely I’m not the only one who thinks this coup will fail Awais in any position of authority?”

“I agree,” An older augment spoke up.  After Suzette Ling succumbed to the Ceti eel, he was one of only two remaining augments  from the prior generation.  “He has no experience and is so full of bravado his mind is clouded.”

“Stand down, old man!”  Awais shouted.  Within moments the entire room erupted into a heated argument: augments shouting at each other and M’Benga trying to shout over all of them to make them stop.  The verbal fight soon became physical when Awais pushed Saoirse out of the way to get closer to the older augment, and the situation escalated instantly from there.  Punches were thrown, people pushed over furniture.  In the chaos, Maya managed to look La’an in the eye and glanced to the door.  No one noticed them leave.

Once they were out in the hall they broke into a sprint.  This was the first time Maya had really pushed herself physically since her illness, and she was now aware of the fact that she had a body whose strength and ability far outpaced her energy.  Still, she kept up with La’an until she reached the end of the hall and were nearly reading to dash down the stairs, but a commanding voice made them stop short.

“It’s over La’an.”  The pair turned around to see Erica Ortegas with her phaser at the ready, and both women held their hands up in a sign of surrender.“Do as I say or I vaporize the kid.”  Ortegas kept her phaser aimed at Maya as she walked closer.  “You know, I chased after the two of you because I thought I’d be made a hero if I brought you back, but the minute I walked through that door, I knew I could do better.  I don’t need any of them, maybe we have better chances if we don’t send in the whole army.  All I need is someone who can get me close to Spock.”

“Again,” La’an answered, trying her best to remain calm.  “I can’t argue with a phaser set to vaporize.”

“La’an, no!” Maya pleaded as she sharply turned her head to face La’an  “Don’t give up just to spare me.  I’m not important.”

“I haven’t given up, Maya. Neither of us can do anything if we’re dead.”  She glanced back at Maya and tried to offer a comforting smile, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Sp much blind optimism!  Is everyone from your universe like this?  Nevermind, don’t answer that.  We’re a little ahead of schedule, but it’s time to pay Spock a visit.”