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Part 9 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 9: Long Distance Runaround

Chapter 10: SBA Episode 9: Long Distance Runaround; Scene 10: Sound Advice


Looking for the sunshine...

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 9: Long Distance Runaround
Scene 10: Sound Advice


Sound Advice


“I cannot express our gratitude enough for your friendship, Elder Gwinheldr.”


Captain Skip Howard’s command throne on the bridge of the U.S.S. Beagle was oriented toward the the port bow wall of the bridge, which displayed the frost giant leader, along with the youngest member of the four spiritual leaders of their community, Sun Seeker Tyriel. 


“Friendship may be too strong a word, Captain Ronald Howard, XIV,” the elderly giant leader replied. “But we do not want your enmity and we are quite concerned about your ability to board any of our stations, or to send personnel anywhere to the surface at will. I do understand your plight and will continue to encourage our fellow citizens to leave you to your problems.”

“I very much hope in the future to earn your better opinion of us,” Captain Howard replied. “Until then, I have a ship to repair and a mystery to solve.”


At the same moment that the frost giant leader faded from the screen, Dr. Tentis Uto’s voice came over the comm: “Medical emergency, Skip. Internal sensors indicate Captain Osollaa sh’Zhiathis’ vital signs have crashed, but we cannot beam her into medical. Something is interfering with the transporters. Also, the three patients we picked up from the other ships were stable, but they are all now in rapid relapse. Pel is complaining about loud singing…”

“Ten, where is sh’Zhiathis?” Howard asked.

“Probe Control,” Uto responded.

“She was in there with Tommy when I left,” Major Carter added.

Howard touched a control on the arm of his command throne: “Bridge to Probe Control…” 


No response.


“Sergeant Richards respond!” Howard ordered.




“Janet, were you reviewing internal security feed from the U.S.S. Escort? The holy landers who were aboard?” Howard asked.

“Yes,” Major Carter replied. ‘Tommy put it on a loop. He thought he heard something. He had it turned up fairly loud…”

“Emergency cutoff of power to Probe Control,” Howard ordered.

“Non-responsive,” Carter reported after a moment. “Power has been manually re-routed through the direct feed for the forward section. I can’t shut it off independently.”

“Emergency decompression Probe Control.”


“Captain, please confirm that order.”


“You heard me Janet. Remove the atmosphere from Probe Control.”

In response, Carter turned to the ops panel. “Decompression complete.”

Howard touched another control: “Ten, beam everyone out of Probe Control, treat for decompression, and confine. Our people have been compromised, particularly Sergeant Richards. Make sure he is restrained.”

Dr. Uto’s voice came back through the comm system. “I have them, Skip. I’m still getting a fair amount of interference from that section, but less than before…”

In response Howard touched another control. “All personnel, evacuate all forward sections immediately. You have one minute. Engineering - Dutchie, I need you to shut down all power to all forward sections. Allow one minute for evacuation.”

“Confirmed, Skip,” came Commander Holland’s voice over the comm.


A full minute of silence passed on the bridge. Then calls came in from Medical and Engineering almost simultaneously:

“Skip, I don’t know what you did, but I’m seeing almost immediate improvement in all four of my patients…”

“Whatever was interfering with engine alignment seems to have stopped. We should have alignment within five minutes…”


Major Carter turned back toward Captain Howard. “What was it? And how did you know?”


“Mission first, explanation after,” Howard replied. “Major, I need you to secure Probe Control and prepare it for normal operations. Don EVA, make sure your suit is insulated from sound. I want you deaf as a post inside your helmet. Undo whatever Tommy did to physically hook directly into the primary EPS for the forward section and power down Probe Control, then notify Engineering to turn the power back on for the forward section.”

Captain Howard sat forward, tapped the arm of his command throne with a glossy black fingernail. “Before you restore power to PC, be sure all readouts are physically disconnected, then, as soon as you power up, end all playback functions, starting with any playback that has those holy landers in it. Only after you have done all that, re-pressurize and be certain there is no sound coming from anything in PC before you remove your helmet.”


Major Carter felt that certain orders required a response that made it clear the order was fully understood and would be carried out meticulously. She rose from her station, turned toward Captain Howard, stood at attention and saluted. “Sir, yes sir!” 

As Major Carter turned sharply and exited the bridge, Howard touched a control on the arm of his command throne: “Sakura, please report to the bridge and prepare to take command.”

