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Part 9 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 9: Long Distance Runaround

Chapter 13: SBA Episode 9: Long Distance Runaround; Scene 13: Life Signs


Long Distance Runaround...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 9: Long Distance Runaround
Scene 13: Life Signs


Life Signs


“Okay, so the holy warriors produce a very complex series of low vibrations that act on the lower brain, and, apparently, also interfere with the operation of vulcan-designed warp engines.”


Major Janet Carter, the commander of the U.S. Marines’ premier deep space reconnaissance and threat assessment unit, had been recruited heavily by all of the U.S. military services and by Star Fleet because of her high marks in the sciences. She was currently seated at the science station on the starboard-bow side of the U.S.S. Beagle’s triangular bridge.

Sakura Nakamura Holland, clad in a black and scarlet kimono, was seated primly on the vulcan-built ship’s command throne. She merely nodded at Major Carter’s ruminations.

“I figured out that much from his orders when he sent me to re-open Probe Control,” Carter continued. “But I’m still putting together how he figured all that out without looking at any of the readouts. I guess my first clue should have been first a ferengi, then an andorian getting sick in the presence of those holy landers…”

“Skip’s first clue came from the frost giants,” Sakura interrupted. “I should have picked up on it too. The giants were complaining about all the noise. So much annoying noise from the holy landers endlessly praising themselves that it drove the giants from their homes on the continent even a thousand miles away from the holy compound. I thought they were speaking metaphorically. Apparently, they were talking about literal sound waves, which would have to be very low frequency to travel through the ground. Those frost giants must have phenomenal low-frequency hearing, which, I suppose, would be helpful in predicting avalanches and other seismic events…”


The dean of ship fell silent and watched with interest as the commander of the ship’s contingent of U.S. Marines responded to a call on her board. Carter turned back to look at her. “Probe Echo 2 is picking up trace signals of terrestrial DNA from the 8th planet in the trinary system we are approaching. Our current course routes us around the edge of the system so we can maintain maximum warp.”

“Analysis?” Sakura asked.

“It could be a false positive. That would be anticipated due to the similarity of DNA signals across our galaxy, considering how much of it came from the progenitors,” Major Carter responded. “But there is a remote possibility that a shuttle or even an escape pod from either Escort or Mako could have targeted the planet. It is “M” class, a bit on the heavy side and almost entirely covered with a world-wide ocean. Probes Echo 2 and 3 are being re-tasked to search for traces of drive-plasma and debris.”


Sakura pondered this information for a moment, then: “Get me the Puppy.”


A moment later, the diffident, balding, 50-year old lieutenant commander appeared on one of the three wall-sized viewscreens that made up the triangular bridge. “Beagle, this is the U.S.S. Puppy, Gregg Clark commanding.”

“Hi Gregg,” Sakura replied. “We are picking up trace signals of terrestrial DNA from the Relussa system, specifically Relussa 8. It could be ancient echoes of the work of the progenitors… Or it could be an escape pod from one of our sister ships. We have a current fix on the position of the U.S.S. Mako, so I am going to keep the Beagle on course to provide support. I’m re-assigning the Puppy to investigate the Relussa star system. We’re sending you the telemetry and re-assigning Probes Echo 2 and 3 to your control for this investigation.”

“Understood, Mrs. Holland,” Clark replied. “What are my limitations?”

“I will leave that to your discretion,” Sakura replied. “But where we’re going, the Puppy is unlikely to be able to provide significant support. I recommend a thorough investigation. Don’t break off to come to us unless you hear us calling for help.”


Long Distance Runaround


This is the final scene for Episode 9.

The adventure will continue with Episode 10: Schindler's Fish.

Series this work belongs to: