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Part 5 of Children of Ceti Alpha V

Where Wolves Fear to Prey

Chapter Text

Francesca, it seemed, had not been as well-liked among the Augments as Maya remembered. After a decade of acting selfishly, trying to grasp power for herself, and putting herself on a pedestal simply because she gave birth to Khan’s grandson. Though there were a few protests, Runa was content to leave Francesca bound and gagged until Saavik, Maya, and the children were safely off of the planet.

Quickly, they prepared to meet the shuttle, dressing in layers of protective robes and veils. Saavik chose to leave behind the EV suits. For a short walk to the shuttle, the improvised protective gear would do. Those who had to survive on this planet would have more need for them.

Saavik’s communicator chimed, and she promptly answered it. “Saavik here.”

“Just landed.” Demora responded. “Ready to go when you are, Captain.”

“On our way. Saavik out.”’

Aada hung back for a moment for a final goodbye with her grandmother, but when she stepped away to join the others, Maya turned back to speak to Runa.

“May I ask you a question?”

Runa nodded.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know how to say this without sounding insulting, but since the last time I saw you, you seem so much less…”’

“Hateful? Unhinged?”

“I was trying to be a bit less blunt,” Maya answered with a smile. “But yes.”

“Years of quiet contemplation, old age, and maybe getting a bit spiritual and thinking that what I’ve endured is some sort of cosmic consequence for the atrocities I committed on Earth.”

“And are you certain you wish to remain behind?” Saavik asked.

Runa gave a solemn nod. “I need to live my remaining days paying penance, and I can best do that on this dead rock. I’ve made my bed, and now I must lie in it.”

“I understand.” Maya;’s tone was soft and respectful. “And thank you for your help.”

Saavik held up her hand in the Vulcan salute. “Live long and prosper.”

The entire group turned to leave, but before they were more than a few steps away, Runa called out.

“Wait…I have something more to say.”

Maya and Saavik turned to listen.

“I don’t know if I made it into the history books, but if I did…I don’t think you would have such a charitable view of me if you were to look me up.”

“At least you realized you did something wrong.” Maya answered. “That puts you ahead of most of your contemporaries.”

They did not leave Demora waiting much longer before they made their way back through the compound and opened the heavy exterior doors to the roaring sandstorm outside. The shuttle was parked closer, but with higher winds and less than ideal protective equipment, the walk was more challenging than when Maya and Saavik had first set foot on the planet. When the group stood close to the shuttle the door opened, and they began to pile in: first the children, then Saavik. Maya had on foot on the threshold when she swore she could hear footsteps rushing toward her, barely audible in the wind. She paused to turn her head and nearly screamed when she saw who was rushing toward her. Francesca had broken free and sprinted through the sandstorm. She wore no protective gear, only her plain clothing.

Before Maya could retreat into the safety of the shuttle, Francesca lunged at her and tackled her to the ground. They struggled in the sand, and because Maya was so outmatched in strength she had no choice but to fight dirty. Maya grabbed a fistful of sand and threw it into Francesca’s face, but she miscalculated the direction of the wind and ended up with as much sand in her own eyes as in Francesca’s. As the pair struggled in pain, Francesca let down her guard enough that Maya was able to inch away and try to get back on her feet. Her eyes were on fire and watering, and though she could barely keep them open she could tell that her vision was reduced to a blur of color and lights. The lights were unimaginably bright, and Maya kept her head ducked to keep her eyes in the shadow. She managed a few unsteady steps back to the shuttle, but Francesca grabbed her from behind and pulled her back to the ground.

Francesca was back on top of Maya, and this time she pulled a knife and pressed the blade against Maya’s throat. “How dare you try to take my child from me,” she spat through clenched teeth. Maya tried to push Francesca away, but all of her effort only served to tire her body. She could feel the sharp edge of the blade bite into her skin, and as she tried to flatten herself into the ground as a final attempt to escape the sound of phaser fire cut through the storm and Francesca collapsed lifeless on top of her. Maya shoved the lifeless body off her. Between the sandstorm and the eye injury, she could not guess who had fired that fatal shot.

Maya scrambled back to her feet and into the shuttle. Once the door closed behind her, she tried frantically to rub the sand from her eyes. “Demora…” She tried to look up to speak to the pilot, but the lights were too bright and focusing her eyes was impossible. “Was that you?”

Demora shook her head. “No, that was an Augment who had followed her outside.”

“Runa Hassing.” Maya answered softly. “Too bad I can’t thank her.”