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Part 5 of Children of Ceti Alpha V

Where Wolves Fear to Prey

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A quick trip to sickbay was all it took to fix Maya’s eye injury, and she fully appreciated the fact that if the same thing had happened to someone on her home planet they would be faced with a lifetime of severe corneal scarring.  The pain was gone, her vision was restored, but Maya still kept her head tilted downward to shield herself from the bright lights.

“Is this as good as it’s going to get?”

“Give it another hour or two for the light sensitivity to subside, maybe take a nice nap.”  Joanna offered as she put away her tricorder.  “And maybe don’t throw sand if your opponent is up wind.”

“That sounds like a Vulcan proverb.”

“No, I don’t think they’d need a proverb like that, they’ve got these third eyelids…Anyway, go get some rest.”

Maya hopped off of the bio-bed and turned to go, but she stopped when one more question came to mind.  “How are the children?”

“A little undernourished, but otherwise fine…physically at least.  It’s really outside my area of expertise to speculate much on what sort of emotional state they’re in, even if they seem alright.”

Maya nodded.  “I know what that feels like.”

“And about Enzo…he wants to live with you.”

“After I killed his father and was directly involved in his mother’s death?”

“Maybe he feels a connection because you’re the only family he has.  Well, you and La’an.”

“I wouldn’t ask that of her.  She’s done enough without suddenly and unexpectedly adopting a child.”

“That’s not what I had in mind.  I was going to say that whatever happens, the two of you, especially you, should be present in his life.  All their lives, if you can.  You share a unique experience, you could be a valuable role model.”

“Raised by tyrants and war criminals, going from subsistence living to modern life, and burning out early on.  If anything I’m  a lesson in what not to become.”

“But you landed on your feet eventually.”  Joanna smiled.  “You’re just being too hard on yourself.”

Maya shook her head.  “If only I knew another way.”

Maya went back to her quarters, and though she laid down in the dark she couldn’t sleep.  Her mind raced, considering what Joanna had said.  No matter how many times she had been told to be less impulsive (and made stupid mistakes for not thinking through her actions) once the idea was in her head, she couldn’t stop thinking about how she needed to be the one to adopt Enzo.  Maybe the girls too…no.  Even with such poor control of her impulses, she could see what a bad idea that would be.  She couldn’t take home four children, especially not when she had never considered having just one until an hour ago.

She sat up and stretched.  “Computer, lights…fifty percent.”  The lights came on but were still too dim for her liking, that was a good sign for her healing..  “Computer, increase lights.” Good, no lingering discomfort.  Maya was determined to take Joanna’s advice and find a way to be a positive influence in these children’s lives, and she could start right now with a few communications to earth.

Saavik dove back into her duties as captain without taking time to rest and recover after being held captive on the planet.  It was unnecessary, as she was uninjured and did not experience any emotional distress from the experience.  She went down to the brig to speak with the prisoner.  Claudius had been kept under the strict security: a pair of guards outside his cell at all hours, restraints on his wrists and ankles, and high doses of sedation administered at regular intervals.  He sat on the floor in a crumpled heap,  and though he had been given a longer period between doses to allow enough lucidity for a meaningful conversation, he struggled to hold his own head up.

Claduius held his head up and strained his neck to look Saavik in the eye.  “Your commander used a cowardly tactic.”  His speech was slow and slurred.

“Commander Caraccilo made the logical choice to use all of his available resources.”  Saavik stood in sharp contrast to the drugged man in front of her: she stood straight and tall, with her hands clasped behind her back and a look of calm confidence on her face.  “In spite of your recent actions, my prior offer still stands. You may return to Earth, where you must answer for any crimes you committed during the Eugenics Wars, but where you at least will be safe.”

Claudius chuckled softly, and his head drooped back down.  “You think I would accept defeat so readily?”

“Then you wish to return to Ceti Alpha V?”

Claudius struggled against his restraints as he fought to get to his feet.  Though he tried to make a display of strength and determination, his body was weakened.  He stood for only a moment before he lost his balance and fell to his knees.  “I wish to take this ship!”

“And I will take that as a refusal of my offer.  Prepare another round of sedation, we will be beaming him back to the planet’s surface as soon as the storms subside.”

The days sped by as Enterprise made her way back to Earth.  Maya’s job was done, but she still kept busy with lengthy discussions and documentation with social workers on Earth.  It seemed that wouldn’t be much issue with her adopting Enzo, but it was the three girls she worried more about.  No one seemed to know what to do with them.  Equally troubling was the fact that Saavik had hardly spoken to her: no conversations, no invitations to play chess, or even any indication if she ever wanted to pick them back up again.

She had to leave her quarters to clear her head: a change of scenery, an IPA, a nice meal.  She forgot about those wants, however, when she saw Joanna sitting alone at a corner table with a bowl of tomato soup.  Maya walked over to the table and waited for Joanna to look up before she spoke.

“Do you mind if I join you?” she asked.  “I’d like some advice.”

“Go for it.  So, what’s on your mind?”  Joanna set her spoon down on the napkin beside the bowl.

Maya sat down across from Joanna and rubbed her temples. “The girls.  I’ve been in communication with Eath, trying to find a solution.”


Maya shook her head.  “Frustration at every turn.  They need to stay together, but the social services doesn’t seem to think that should be a priority because they’re not sisters.”

“Well, I’m on your side.” Joanna picked her spoon back up, but she only stirred her soup around. ”Have you spoken to La’an yet?”

Maya sighed and leaned back.  “No, because I already told you I don’t want to bother her, and I wouldn’t dare ask her to take in three teenage girls.” 

“You don’t need to do anything like that.  Ask her for advice, talk through your feelings, and maybe ask her to be another advocate for those girls.”

“It’s difficult for me to talk to her.”  Maya looked away.  “I did some foolish things that hurt our relationship.”

“Well, if it’s all down to your own actions..” Joanna dropped her spoon suddenly enough that it clinked on the edge of the bowl.  “Well, forgive me for being blunt, but I think you need to get over any uncomfortable feelings you might have and just talk.”

“You’re right.”  Maya shook her head.  “I don’t like to admit it, but you’re right.”