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Part 1 of GSN Gorn Talon-A

To Die for One's Belief


The GSN Gorn Talon has been ordered into Federation space to arrive at Miniar 7 and to locate a terrorist named Aneera 10 who has attacked the Gorn Confederation and is preparing to attack again. The GSN Gorn Talon's orders are to locate the terrorist and apprehend him or terminate him. They must do this without causing a war between the Confederation and Miniar 7. Senior Commander Tk'Lnn Vss'Kov of the Gorn heavy cruiser Gorn Talon must go to Eminiar VII and find a terrorist responsible for attacking their own mining platforms. This is the crew's first test on being on their own as when one works for a secretive Intelligence Organization, anything was possible.


In the early 2000s I ran a play-by-email RPG based on Star Trek and for the run of the entire ship, we were the only Gorn RPG group out on the internet. Unfortunately RL took away the time to run this ship and it gradually fell by the wayside.

Though the Gorn Talon-A crew no longer writes stories, I have pulled them from the archive and wanted to give them a place to live. I hope you enjoy your adventure with the Gorn Talon crew as much as I did.

This mission was originally Titled "The Terrorist Way" and was written in a script format. I have converted it to novel for easier reading.

Chapter Text

Stardate: 238001.03

Location: In Orbit of Treknor Minor, Gorn Confederation Space


The briefing room of the GSN Gorn Talon was small and cramped. The old Bravery Class Heavy Cruiser had seen quite a number of years before it came under the command of Senior Commander Tk’Lnn Vss’Kov. The Gorn was of average height but what stood out the most of him was the purple flecks in his scales and aqua colored irises.

The ship sat in Spacedock G-11 orbiting Trekor Minor, the brown marble the home of the largest Gorn shipyard in the central part of the Confederation. Tk’Lnn could see the muddy sphere from outside the port window.

“I don’t think we will be able to do that. Because we have Ensign Turon and Commander Morg are from the federation. They were kidnapped and one retired and supposed to be on Earth.”

Tk’Lnn snapped back to reality as his newly assigned Ensign Tak was speaking. This short but powerful looking lizard with greenish yellow scales was talking about the new mission they had been assigned.

The lizard leader glanced down at his emerald PADD to see where he last left off.

“I don’t see it as a problem. Only one Federation vessel will be there and they are from a totally different star base. We have taken steps to make sure Morg’s status is not compromised.”

“What vessel will it be?”

“It will be the USS Renegade.”

“How will we be equipped? peaceful or for war.”

Tk’Lnn chuckled at the young ensign who had been grilling him for the past five minutes. Yes, the Gorn Talon had been authorized for some unorthodox crew members as a member of the secretive Guardian’s Errant. The clandestine intelligence agency preferred using ship’s dedicated to their mission much like the Federation’s Section 31.

“I wouldn’t call it a diplomatic mission if we were going to war, Ensign. Any other questions?” Tk’Lnn asked to the rest of the people present.

The earlier mentioned Morg, a tall average looking Gorn with a bearing more apt for Starfleet than the Confederation sat to his right while a Lyran by the name of Neekera studied the PADDs in front of her. The feline alien was on loan from the Lyran Clans due to her medical and bio-engineering abilities.

Ensign Nlish Vkk’Takk, a more slender Gorn from a different world in the Confederation had red scales with flecks of green instead. She had been the most strait laced Ensign he had picked up so far. The last in his command staff was Senior Lieutenant Bk’Tar, his Chief of Engineering. The coal black scaled lizard had been on quite a few missions in his time.

“How will we find this Aneera 10?” Tak continued but Tk’Lnn raised his hand.

“If the Confederation had that answer they wouldn’t send a special forces ship. That will be the job of the away team. As I said, We are going to Eminiar VII to assist in the investigation of possible terrorist actions that are tied with the recent assault against our mining platform on Reshkal. Eminiar VII is not a member of the Federation though they have close ties with them. There will be a Starfleet presence.

“And how do we know he is on this planet?”

“I know,” Tk’Lnn said with just the slightest air of mystery. The majority of his crew did not know who he was, just that they had been snatched from where they are and had joined his new crew.

“Oh, that’s reassuring.” The ensign grumbled and Morg gave him a nudge.

“The only reason you aren’t at Tll’Va Prison, Ensign Tak is because I thought you would be worth something to this crew. If you start doubting my intentions and my information...well, That prison just may find you again. Understood?”

“Sure.” was the only response Tak get but at least he went silent. Tk’Lnn glanced over to Morg who just gave a nod.

“Alright. The list of personnel on this away team when we arrive is, Commander Morg will be in charge with Vkk’Takk, and Tak going to search and locate Aneera 10.” Tk’Lnn continued sending the data to their personal PADDs. He gave a stern look to the ex-prisoner. “And Ensign Tak, don’t try anything on the planet. I won’t be happy and it will effect my report to the High Command.”

The Ensign gave a curt nod and nothing else.

“Good. Dismissed.”

The first out forced open the heavy bulkhead door and all filed out except for Morg. The Gorn waited until they all left.

“I took the liberty of going over all the records of everyone on the ship, Senior Commander,” Morg started officially.

Tk’Lnn sat back down and waved his hand. “No formalities when it’s just you and me. What’s your concern.”

“Honestly? You’ve chosen a lot of people with different opinions and some are polar opposite. I worry about cohesion of the ship in times of stress.”

“That’s something we need to test on our way to Eminiar. Ensign Vkk’Takk comes with a lot of commendations, I’m confident she can balance Ensign Tak’s penchant to cause mayhem.”

“I hope so too,” Morg said with a slow nod. “Or things are going to go from bad to worse.”


Tak stood in front of the large black doors to the holodeck. It was one of the few modern things that got put into this old class of ship. Honestly, it was better than the prison. Tak stared at it trying to understand how it would work.


“Please specify program,” the voice came back. Human female but was speaking the Gorn trade language. Must have been purchased from a Federation vendor.

“Ummm. Just load a program.”

“Specify program.”

“No. You specify a program.”

Ensign Tak slammed his fist down on the panel though it was made of a high density glass and did not shatter. The hot headed lizard thought for a second of ripping it off the wall and making it work.

“Uh...the door doesn’t work that way.”

Tak turned to the cute female Gorn who stood there unamused by his behavior. He had only met Nlish Vkk’Takk recently and recognized a hard tail right up front.

“I know that. The computer is being uncooperative.”

“You have to give it a list of criteria before it is going to be able to run,” Nlish continued coming up to the door and activated the touch pad portion of the hardware.

Tak growled at it. “I’m not here to program, I’m hear to try it out with what little off time I have left.”

Nlish sighed tiredly, finished typing and gestured as the door opened.

“There you go. Loaded a standard ship simulator. You really need to read the manuals.”

Tak only growled an impolite word back.