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Part 1 of GSN Gorn Talon-A

To Die for One's Belief

Chapter Text

Meanwhile, Morg and Mk'Nrr stood outside the shuttle, facing four humanoid individuals who had their weapons visible. Morg raised his hand in salute and introduced himself, "I am Commander Morg of the GSN Gorn Talon. I represent the Gorn Confederation in the trade negotiations."

One of the individuals holstered their weapon and apologized, "I’m Terla-Two. I am sorry for this. The councilmen were expecting transporters to their chambers. We’re still getting used to the fact that people are coming from the stars."

Morg expressed understanding, saying, "Please forgive us. We did not know."

Morg then turned to Mk'Nrr, introducing him, "This is Senior Ensign Mk'Nrr Vl'Rakk. He is my aide."

“Please follow us."

The group proceeded towards the capital, and Morg and Mk'Nrr attracted the curious gaze of many locals. The city was bright, and the group walked along marble roads. This planet was all humanoid, much like the humans of the Federation, and two massive reptiles was not something they were used to seeing. At least the air was not too humid for both of them.

"As you see, our culture has survived when we did not go to war with Vendicar. We are very pleased with the Federation and were surprised at the invitation of your Gorn Confederation."

Morg explained their intentions, stating, "We want to make our presence more well-known in the galaxy. If you don't mind, I would like to send my assistant to explore your city. He must make a report for the Confederation on your city's culture."

Terla-Two agreed, "Very well. He can meet the councilmen in two hours. A guard will escort you to make sure there isn’t any misunderstandings."

Morg whispered to Mk'Nrr, "Investigate, but don't make contact with Tak. We want to separate information. If you need help, get beamed up."

Mk'Nrr nodded and separated from the group, wandering through the city with a PADD, pretending to admire the architecture.


As Mk’Nrr explored, he engaged in conversations with different individuals letting his commbadge do the translations. However, he was caught off guard when a Klingon approached him. He hadn’t realized that the Kligons were here also.

Mk'Nrr cautiously engaged with the Klingon, asking, "What do you want, Klingon?"

Kernun responded, "I take a guess you are looking for Areena-Ten."

Mk'Nrr remained cautious but curious, replying, "What’s it to you?"

“Follow me, lizard,” the ridged humanoid said with a sneer and walked away. Mk’Nrr tilted his head in surprise not quite sure what he was supposed to do. He hadn’t expected someone to just come out and tell him. Slowly and cautiously, the Gorn ensign followed the Klingon, unsure of where he was being led.


Back aboard the Gorn Talon, the crew continued on it’s regular duties but anyone could sense the tension flowing underneath the appearance of business as usual. Neekera was working in her medical bay getting it setup the way she liked and happy to not have been disturbed. When she had been asked to participate in an exchange program, the Lyran was not expecting to be assigned let alone to a Gorn vessel. Her people and theirs were never been on good terms for long.

The heavy door to the medbay ground open and the Orion man she had seen earlier walked in, the scent of nervousness easily detected.

Neekera greeted him with a fangy smile, saying, "Here for your mandated check up? Please sit down on the bio bed, Ensign."

Turon seemed reluctant and replied, "I don't want to sit down on the bed."

Oh. So it was going to be like this.

"You must take a physical. It is probably the captain's order," Neekera explained.

Turon sighed, resigned to the situation, "Unfortunately, it is."

For the next few minutes, Neekera monitored the computers that were feeding her information in her own language. For as best as he could, this Malcolm Turon stayed in place until the final results had come in. Giving the bed a thump to get his attention she nodded.

"Well, you look healthy to me for an Orion."

"May I go now?"

“Sure. Have fun with the rest of your day.”

He did not stay around to say anything more.

“Well...that was an odd start to the day.”


Back on the bridge, the same undercurrent of nervous energy could be felt most here. This oval section was the brain of the old warship and it relied on the words of their Commanding Officer.

Senior Commander Tk'Lnn remained seated, gazing at the planet they were orbiting. The helm officer who replaced Tak, spoke up with the slightest hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Uh... Sir, it seems something is approaching."

"What do you mean seems to be?" The lead Gorn said leaning forward just a bit.

“That’s the thing,” the cute female lizard said. “it was there and then it was gone.

Krr’Mkk,’ Tk’Lnn thought. ‘It better not be what I think it is.’

"Defense Condition 2," he ordered out loud.

The ship's alert system emitted a pinging sound, escalating from a high to low pitch.

"Continue scanning. I want to know if—"

The ship suddenly shook, causing Tk'Lnn to be thrown out of his seat. The helm officer hit the ground with a thud, and sparks flew from the damaged console. Tk'Lnn rushed to the controls and maneuvered the ship to face the enemy, only to find a Klingon Cruiser in front of them.

Tk’Lnn snarled to himself as he slammed his hands on the comm as the Ensign tried to pull herself up where she had fallen.

“Bridge to Medical. I need you up here Neekera!”

“On my way,” the Lyran’s voice called back.

Tk'Lnn then turned to communications officer whose claws were dancing across the board. "Activate hailing."

“Yes, Senior Commander.”

Tk’Lnn stood and handed the helm over to an officer who rushed on the bridge with Neekera and he returned to the center seat.

"This is Senior Commander Tk'Lnn of the Gorn Confederation. You have attacked a diplomatic ship. Explain yourself or we will return fire."

“This is Kagnok of the IKV Rabble Killer. You are our enemy!"

Tk’Lnn looked over to Bk’Tar who had taken his spot as the Executive officer.

“Did I miss an announcement we were at war with the Klingons?” Tk’Lnn asked sardonically.

Turon rushed back to the bridge through a separate route. As he reached the bridge, he saw the Lyran attending to an injured helmsman, and the room was filled with light smoke. He approached the helm console, tapped the soldier of the officer there, sat down and and examined the readings, discovering that a Klingon warbird was facing them at a distance of only 40,000 kilometers.

Neekera went over to check on the injured officer, using a tricorder to assess the burns. The readings indicated only minor injuries, and she administered a hypospray to alleviate the pain.

There were in the middle of it now.