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Part 1 of GSN Gorn Talon-A

To Die for One's Belief

Chapter Text

Vkk'Takk was growing frustrated as the captain had not contacted him yet. Just as he was about to hit his combadge again, the ship rumbled, and crewmen shouted in response.

“Lt. Vkk'Takk, the ship has been hit. I detected a fluctuation in Screen 6, but I managed to stabilize it," called out one of his engineering crew.

Vkk'Takk quickly approached the crewman, asking, "What hit us?"

"I don't know... The helm is turning us completely 180 degrees."

Realizing the urgency, Vkk'Takk decided, "Watch over things here. I'm going to the bridge."

"Yes, sir."

Vkk'Takk rushed to the turbolift and reached the bridge within five minutes. As he entered, he noticed smoke filling the room, with an Orion and a Lyran present. Bk'Tar, also heading to the bridge, felt the ship rumble and leaned against the wall to steady himself. He quickly made his way to the turbolift and joined Vkk'Takk on the bridge.

"Captain, what is going on?"

“It appears the Klingons have taken a shot at us,” Tk’Lnn responded sardonically.

Bk'Tar moved towards the tactical screen, while Tk'Lnn observed the situation. Neekera closed her tricorder and attended to her duties. Ensign Turon manned the helm.

"I guess you get your first taste of combat in friendly territory."

"Yes, it is." The Lyran replied not quite sure what to do.

"Ensign Turon, reopen the channel."  Tk’Lnn finally said as helm maneuvered them to face their attacker.

"Aye, aye, sir."

Tk'Lnn initiated communication with the Klingon vessel, addressing them sternly, "Klingon vessel! You have attacked a diplomatic ship, and the Federation will not be happy with your actions. The USS Renegade is likely challenging you at this moment."

“The USS Renegade is approaching rapidly from the aft,” Bk’Tar reported.

Tk'Lnn then refocused on the Klingon, saying, "I will count to three. If you do not withdraw from this system, I will open fire."

Though no visual connection was made, the channel opened and the response came over the translator.

"You haven't seen the last of us.”

"Are they withdrawing, Ensign Turon?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, switch to Defense Condition 2 and bring our shields to full power."

With all the commands given, the Senior Commander turned to Vkk’Takk that was still waiting by the turbolift when he had come in. Tk'Lnn finally turned his attention to him.

 "Now, Lieutenant Vkk'Takk, what can I do for you?"

"Sir, I need someone with expertise in Engineering. None of the crewmen down there really know what they're doing. Is there anyone available?"

"We don't have enough recruits to spare from their current positions. However, I'll send you some engineers as soon as possible."

Vkk'Takk returned to Engineering, feeling a bit disappointed with the answer but understanding the current constraints.


In the council chambers back on the planet’s surface, Morg was welcomed by Terlare-2, the leader, who stood up to greet him.

“We are happy you are here, Commander Morg. Would you please state what the Gorn Confederation would like?"

"A trade agreement, sir. We wish to extend our trade to other planets and are seeking permission for Gorn Freighters to visit your planet."

"Really? Is that all you want? The Federation would like us to believe otherwise." The man said curiously.

The door opened an older man in a Starfleet uniform walked out wearing a scowl on his face. "I am Ambassador Wolfe of the United Federation of Planets, and I know you do understand, Commander Morg."

"You are making assumptions, Ambassador. I was sent here to do my job. I have no interest in what yu think I may be doing here.”

"Then why send a special forces ship?"

Morg was surprised by Wolfe's accurate statement but composed himself and explained, "The GSN Gorn Talon was a special forces ship until it was decommissioned four years ago. You can take a look at the records. And another thing, if you keep insulting me and my world, I am sure that your president will hear from the Grand Autarch about your slanderous remarks."

Doubt flickered across Wolfe's face as Morg turned back to Terlare-2, realizing the need for privacy in their conversation.

Morg said, "If you will excuse me, sir, Ambassador Wolfe would probably like to talk to you. I will come back when we can have some privacy."

Morg left the council chambers and was escorted to his chambers by two young women. Once they left, he activated his combadge.

It was Tk’Lnn who responded on the encrypted channel.

"Morg to Tk'Lnn. It seems that an Ambassador Wolfe has been making accurate guesses about our ship. He calls it a special forces ship, and we are after more than just a trade agreement."

Tk'Lnn responded, "I'm not surprised. The Klingons think the same thing. I don't know how this information got leaked but be careful."

"Yes, sir. Is everything alright?"

"As well as can be expected. The Klingons tried to test us a bit ago but we’re fine.."

"Klingons? That's surprising. You don't need me, do you?"

"No, just take care of your end down there and make sure all our crew comes back alive."

After closing the communication channel, Morg turned to wait until the next move of this strategic game was played.


Meanwhile, in an unknown location, Mk'Nrr had been following a Klingon and was growing increasingly nervous.

“Where are we going?"

The Klingon remained silent, ignoring Mk'Nrr's questions. Feeling threatened, Mk'Nrr drew his phaser and warned, "You better answer me, or I'll use this."

Suddenly, a yellow phaser shot struck Mk'Nrr in the back, causing him to collapse to the ground.


Back on the bridge of the GSN Gorn Talon, Tk'Lnn had retreated to his command office connected to the bridge with his security chief. Bk’Tar stood there trying not to take up too much space in the small room.

Tk’Lnn had ignored it and spoke. "Any ideas why the Klingons attacked?"

“I don’t have anything but guesses, Senior Commander,” the tall lizard answered. “If Commander Morg is correct, they may be operating under the same leak that the Federation is. If that’s the case, we need to assume that everyone is compromised.”

“I’m not ready to do that yet but I want an escape plan if it comes to that,” the Senior Commander mused. “I have been told this mission outweighs any diplomatic issues so plan for everything.”

With a nod, the security chief left to plan.


Morg was not sure when he drifted off sitting at the table that he had been studying a book he had found. Something though had caused him to start awake. He peered around wondering what it had been.

"I wonder if I was dreaming something again?" he amused.

It was his hearing the picked up voices outside his door. One of them must have spoken too loud.

"We need to arrest him immediately by the order of the council."

"Are you sure?"

"Quite sure. Let's get a move on it."

Morg quickly realized that there were bars on his window and regretted not checking before dozing. There was a good chance he had walked into a trap. Thinking quickly, Morg tapped his commbadge in the pattern of emergency beam out and hoped they picked it up in time. Morg could not help but smile as the transporter beam whisked him away as the guards came bursting in.

When his sight returned, he found himself surrounded by buildings, indicating he was in the street. org started running, taking numerous twists and turns to lose any potential pursuers. The plan had been to beam him straight to the ship but it appears that the transporter signal did not make it and materialized him nearest to his old location. That was not good. As he began to move quickly towards cover before the guards could find him, a Klingon stepped out from a corner, aiming a disruptor at him.

"You will come with me."

“Make me.”

“Your Ensign Vl'Rakk is being held by my boss, Aneera 10, and if you don't come peacefully, he will die."

Reluctantly, Morg stood and raised his hands to show they were empty. After a half-hour journey in the back of a small scout shuttle, they reached a camp where Morg was led into Aneera-10's tent, accompanied by three bodyguards.

Aneera-10 greeted him, saying, "Well, well. It looks like the Gorn Confederation finally got tired of my little fireworks shows."

"Of course. Stupid slime like you should be totally eradicated." Morg snarled back.

Aneera-10 laughed.

“Oh, is that so? At the moment, it seems you are in my camp and at my mercy."

"That won't last long. My captain will catch on very quickly."

"Take him to his other 'frog' friend."

"That's lizard friend, coward."

With that, he was drug away.

Series this work belongs to: