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Birthday Gifts


Nerys and Miles figure out what to get Keiko for her birthday


Written For prompt #3 “Metamours” from Polyshipping week 2022.

Work Text:

“Have you picked out what you’re going to do for Keiko’s birthday yet?” asked Miles.

“Er, no, not yet. Have you?” replied Nerys.

“Me neither. I guess that means we’ll have to figure it out together.”

“Sure. I was thinking, maybe a potted plant? Or one of those carved animals that Palsi sells.”

“I got Keiko a plant for our anniversary, so not that. The carved animal, though, that might work. I think she’d like the cat. Or one of the birds.” He leaned back. “What about some jewelry?”
Nerys shook her head. “Keiko told me last week when we went out that she thinks she has too much jewelry and wants to get rid of it.”

They lapsed into silence. Occasionally one of them would voice an idea, which the other partner either supported or shot down. Finally, they settled on the cat carving, a print of some Andorian wildflowers, hairpins, and jumja sticks.

“Do you think that’s enough?” asked Nerys.

“I think so, yeah. I’ve given her about half that much in previous years, and since there’s two of us this year, that amount should be about right.”

Nerys shrugged. “If you say so.”

On the day of Keiko’s birthday, Keiko grinned as she looked at the gifts that Miles and Nerys had given her. “These are wonderful! Thank you!”

Miles and Nerys both murmured “you’re welcome” as she kissed each of them on the cheek.

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